04 | Mates

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Cassie was woken up to the sound of singing; She found the voices of her parents, though extremely off-tune, strangely endearing. "Happy birthday dear Cassie~" she giggled as her father belted the words with pride.

She watched as her parents carried the cake closer, two big letters '1 and 8' at the top of it "Happy birthday to you~" her mother finished, her voice just as off-tune but softer than her fathers proud one.

She quickly blew out the candles before jumping up and pulling her parents into a tight embrace, "Meet us downstairs so you can open your gifts." Her mother spoke as they pulled away. Cassie nodded with a happy grin, excited at the thought of opening gifts.

Cassie quickly jumped out of bed once her parents left, throwing on a pair of grey joggers and a baggy red shirt with simple black designs.

She speed-walked down the creaky steps, her brown hair which had returned to its naturally curly state bounced with every step. When she made it to the kitchen she found a plate with a slice of a chocolate cake already cut out for her.

She thanks both her parents with a huge smile, inhaling the slice of cake as quickly as she could so she could open her gifts. "Here, first gift of the day." Her father said and her mom grabbed their plates and placed them into the sink.

Her father carefully handed her a small plain box and she received it just as carefully, her parents eagerly watched as she took her time opening the gift. When she finally had the box fully opened she gasped at the sight, inside the box was a little blue iPod.

She quickly turned the small device on, a big grin spread across her face as she flipped through all of her favorite songs and practically every video she's ever been apart of was on it as well; From memories of her swinging at five years old to her opening Christmas gifts just that year, the small device seemed to have every single minor a major milestone she's ever accomplished.

"Thank you." She said, pulling both her parents into a warm hug as they smiled in reply, thankful she liked the gift as much as they had believed she would.

The rest of their morning was spent giving Cassie the rest of her gifts and watching as she excitedly opened each one; Her ability to stay cheerful no matter how many she received never ceased to amaze them.

When people finally started to arrive, which was around ten o'clock , the guys were the first ones. They each gave her a hug as they passed by her and she watched curiously as the last of the brothers, Will, carefully held out a parcel for her to take.

She tore through the wrapping paper, damn near destroying the gift itself as the guys laughed at her eagerness. She gave a warm smile as she looked down at what was inside; A beautiful necklace with an indigo blue crystal at the end, cut to form an orb.

The necklace reminded her of the blue moon and she was absolutely mesmerized by its breathtaking design, "We saw it and thought of you." Ryder explained. Cassie smiled again at his words, "I love it." She told them and she really did.

Jace stepped forward, reaching his hand out to her, "I'll put it on." Cassie thanked him gratefully before carefully handing him the delicate piece of jewelry. She excitedly waited as he took his time lifting her hair and hooking the chain around her neck before letting go.

"How does it look?" She questioned eagerly as she swung herself around to face them. "Well we bought it so of course it looks amazing." Will said arrogantly causing the she-wolf to roll her eyes. "I mean on me, smartass." She sassed back.

"Gorgeous." She glanced back at Jace as he looked down at her "..Thanks." She cautiously answered back, shocked that the words came from Jace.

"No problem." He answered back simply and before anyone could say anything else there was a knock at the door. Cassie's parents went to answer and were greeted by a large part of the pack; Not long after, the entire pack was standing outside her house, all greeting and wishing her a happy birthday.

Cassie had just about finished welcoming everyone when she heard the first crack, people back away as she doubled over in pain, whomping as her bones slowly broke and grew in an effort to rearrange themselves.

She tightly gripped onto someone's arm, not knowing who it was until she heard their soothing voice in her ear, it was Damon. As soon as he heard her starting to shift he went into full alpha mode, the rest of the guys got to work keeping everyone away.

Even when her nails dug so deep it drew blood out his arm, his voice stayed calm and encouraging, helping her through the agonizingly long process. It took two and a half hours for her to fully shift, as time went on the process would take less and less time.

Her wolf was tiny, about the size of a wolf dog but it was to be expected since she was born an omega. Omega are always smaller than most wolves and tended to be more sentive as well. Cassie let out an annoyed growl as she noticed her smaller figure, she would no doubt be slower than the others.

The pack stared in awe as her white coat glistened under the bluish light of the full moon. As the members quickly all began to shift it was even more evident just how small she truly was compared to her peers and family.

There was a muffled gasp as the alphas shifted into their large wolves before almost the entire pack were left happily murmuring amongst themselves. Hearing and feeling the sudden difference in the atmosphere, Cassie looked up to see what had caused the sudden shift and was shocked to see four pairs of dark eyes staring back at her..

'Mates' she heard her wolf happily purr out. Wait mates? As in plural???

A/N: It a little hard to get these chapters to as long as I want them since I'm working with the originals (which are like one paragraph maybe three per chapter) so doing this much is already adding a lot, sorry!

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