Magical Consequences

416 13 4

Edward's POV

(Y/N) and I eventually calmed the children down and put them to bed in our room for the night as we didn't feel comfortable with them being in a separate room with everything currently going on. Once both of the children were asleep (Y/N) and I stepped outside onto our balcony to see more off what was happening. "Edward what is this?" (Y/N) asked as she looked up the hole in the sky. The hole had now tripled in size and it was glowing brightly. "I have no idea my love. I have never seen anything like this in Andalasia before. Not even as a young boy did I even hear my father speak of anything like this occurring." I looked at my wife and watched as she nervously studied our surroundings. I put my hands on her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down. "My darling, I'm sure whatever this is can be handled and undone. Any other issues we have had here have always ended well. I wouldn't let anything happen to you and our children or anyone else in Andalasia." (Y/N) looked up at me and I could tell from her expression that she did not fully believe me. I wasn't sure if I believed myself either at this point. I was unsure how I would exactly handle this situation. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she gasped and grabbed onto my arm tightly. "Edward! Look what's happening!" She said as she pointed behind me. I quickly jerked around and saw just what had frightened my wife. All the leaves on the trees were ring ripped from there branches and being sucked into the hole into the sky. Just as quickly as the leaves went, the branches began to snap off and go as well. "Oh dear." I muttered out. I truly had no idea what was going on. All (Y/N) and I could do was watch as things from all directions were sucked up into the hole that continued to grow larger and larger. "This isn't right." I said as I watched from all directions the chaos that surrounded us. "How could this even be happening?" (Y/N) asked me as she held onto my arm. I wrapped both of my arms and held her close. All the beautiful surroundings of Andalasia quickly turned into a dreary scene as the plants quickly lost their liveliness. I heard a cracking noise and looked past my wife to see that the walls of the castle has even begun to be affecting by this all. The once prestige and solid walls had turned a dim shade and was cracking in some spots. This did not make sense at all. With all the magic in Andalasia things never looked like this. Everything always stayed in pristine condition because that's just how Andalasia is. "(Y/N) we must get inside now!" I said as I ushered her inside. "What? Edward please tell me what's happening I'm worried." She said as calmly as she could as not to wake and scared our children. I put my hands against her face gently and looked into her eyes as I took a deep breath and tried to process everything that was happening. "I'm not certain of any of this my love. However, I think somehow this hole in the sky, is some sort of portal that is stealing the magic in Andalasia." I watched as (Y/N) tried to process what I was saying to her. "What? How does that even happen? Wouldn't someone have to make a portal for it to appear? How could someone be capable of creating a portal that can steal the magic from an entire kingdom?" She listed off question after question rapidly her voice shaking with each word. "Please try and calm down my dear. Whatever this is there has to be a way that it can be undone and rest assured I will do whatever it takes to put this all to rest. I promise you that." Her breaths were still shaky but (Y/N) tried her best to at least appear calm but i knew she was still just as frightened as I was. "What will happen if this isn't fixed though Edward? If this hole or portal or whatever it is keeps taking the magic from Andalasia what will that mean for Andalasia and everyone here, for our children?" I looked over at our sleeping children. Rosalie sleeping softly with her blanket cluttered tightly in one of her small hands as her little chest rose up and down with each breath and her tiny cheek pressed against our bed. While Caspian laid sprawled out against the bed, barely covered by the blanket he had clearly kicked away, his hair slightly covering his close eyes and his hand held Rosalie's free one as he kept her safe even in his sleep. My heart hurt at the idea that anything could potentially harm my children. I looked back at (Y/N), her scared expression was hard to see. She was trying her best to be a strong Queen but she was understandably scared and so was I. "My dear, in order for the people to be directly affected by this portal it would have to contain a large source of magic. It is unlikely that whoever caused this has enough magic to affect an entire kingdom such as Andalasia." (Y/N) looked noticeably relieved by my words as her shoulders slightly relaxed. "Then what can we do until we figure out what caused all of this?" She asked me as she took my hand and held it in her own. I intertwined our fingers together as I gently kissed the top of her head. "All we can do is try our best to quickly find the source of it all and go from there. But rest assured my dear this will not last for long, it just can't. Whoever is doing this will eventually run out of magic and the portal will likely close." (Y/N) tried to smile at me but I could tell she was still quite unsure about all of this. Just then we heard a loud groan and someone seeming to talk to themselves from outside the doors of the castle. (Y/N) tightened her grip on my hand but when I looked down at her she had an intense stare directed towards the door. As worried as she was I knew (Y/N) was not afraid to fight any threat that came her way. She had defeated my evil stepmother after all. She would do whatever she must in order to protect Andalasia but especially to protect our children. However, I was not willing to let my wife risk herself to an unknown threat that might potentially be ready to inflict more damage on the Kingdom. I swiftly stood in front of (Y/N) as she looked up at me slightly surprised. "Let me see what is outside first please (Y/N)." She hesitated for a second before nodding her head. I smiled at her and kissed her on the head once more before reaching over and grabbing one of my swords. "Why do you have so many swords everywhere?" (Y/N) asked me with a sigh. My smile widened at her words as I turned back to where the voice was still coming from. Sword in hand, I made my way to the door of the castle. I held my sword tightly in my grip as I opened the castle door, fully prepared to fight any fiend that dares to attack my kingdom. As I fully opened the I could see the individual outside speaking to themselves and I was now more confused than anything. "Morgan?"


Another filler chapter but the next chapter will go along with the direct plot and dialog from the film since it will be another Edward scene! I will try and get the next chapter out soon. Let me know in the comments if there are any other character stories you'd like to see from me. It does not have to be a Disney character as I am interested in writing stories from different types of fandoms. I am currently working on a new story from a horror movie franchise, with a slightly underrated character in my opinion, but I probably won't be posting any of it until I finish this story first. I hope you all are enjoying this story and I will see you in the next update!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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