Wishing Wand

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Honey, for the last time, Robert's a lawyer. He doesn't need a sword." Edward still was not understanding why it was completely unnecessary to give Robert a sword. "What if there is danger afoot while Robert is out lawyering? How will he slay the treacherous threat without a sword?" I couldn't help but laugh at how concerned Edward was over this topic. Ever since we've returned home, Edward and I have been talking about the sword dilemma. "Did he take it with him to work?" I asked Edward curiously. Edward grinned at me. "Well of course he did! I ensured that he would be prepared for any possible danger!" I burst into laughter. "So you're telling me that Robert took a sword with him for his ride on the subway?" Edward looked off likely thinking about the likely scenario. "Well I would imagine so my love." Unbelievable, there was never a dull day when Edward was around regardless of who you are.
Small footsteps could be heard running down the hallway and Edward and I both smiled at each other knowingly. Just then a small head poked its way into the doorway of our bedroom. "Why hello my dear boy!" Edward grinned as he held his arms out as Caspian laughed and ran to his fathers arms. "Papa? Can we go for a ride on Destiny?" The small boy excitedly. Ever since he was only a few years old, Caspian loved to watch Edward as he rode Destiny and couldn't wait for the day where he could finally ride the horse with his father. The first time Caspian had the chance, he jumped at the opportunity to ride on Destiny with Edward's assistance. Edward looked back at me and I nodded with a small smile on my face. "Don't be gone for too long. It's about to get dark soon, so after this you'll need to take a bath and get ready for bed alright?" Caspian nodded his head excitedly as he ran over and hugged my legs tightly. "Yes mama! Thank you!" Caspian then let go and began running out of our room and down the corridor. "Hurry Papa! We're running out of time!" Edward and I both laughed at our son. Edward quickly gave me a peck on the lips before running after Caspian with the same excitement in his steps.

Edward's POV

"Hold on tightly Caspian. Your mother will have a fit if you fall of Destiny...again." I shuddered as I remembered the time Caspian had accidentally fallen off of the horse. Luckily we were not moving yet so he wasn't inured just suffering a bruised leg. Nonetheless I had never felt such fear, especially when I had to explain to my wife why our son was covered in dirt and crying. "I will papa! I won't fall off I'm a big boy now and extra brave!" I was pulled from my thoughts by my sons words. I smiled at him as we begun to ride through the forest. Caspian's laughter mixed with the sounds of birds and other animals singing and humming in harmony. "Go go go!" I grinned as we rode faster through the surrounding trees while the sun slowly started to set.
After sometime of riding Caspian and I began to make our way back to the castle so that the young prince could prepare for his royal bath. "Did you have a good day tonight my dear boy?" Caspian let out a small yarn but still turned his head to look at me, a large grin on his face. "Yes papa! I had so much fun seeing Morgan and Sofia! This was the best day ever!!" I let out a hearty laugh. I enjoyed nothing more than to see my children and wife happy and loved that I could provide them a joyful life. Suddenly a loud boom was heard surrounding us and a large gust of wind blew around startling both Caspian and I. I was not sure what the cause of that was, but I knew it wasn't normal especially in Andalasia. "Papa what was that?" Caspian asked me with a slight quiver in his voice. I pulled him closer to my chest as I had Destiny pick up his pace. "I'm not sure my boy, but everything is okay we just need to get home." As we ventured further back towards the Castle I noticed a green hue started to appear on our surroundings. "Papa look!" I heard Caspian shout out in fear as he pointed up. I looked up and my eyes widened in shock. Above us was a hole appearing in the sky. It started small but seemed to quickly grow bigger and bigger and appeared to be where the strong winds were coming from. A bright green light was coming out of the hole and was reflecting on the nearby surfaces. "Caspian hold on tightly my boy!" With that I had Destiny dart towards the castle. I had to make sure my family and all of Andalasia was safe and to figure out what was happening.
Finally we rode up to the stables connected to the castle and after jumping off Destiny with Caspian in my arms, I quickly put Destiny in his stable and darted towards the castle. As soon as I approached the door I saw (Y/N) standing there with Rosalie in her arms. "Edward! What's happening?" She said completely panicked as she held our daughter tightly against her. I ran up to her and the four of us quickly made our way further down the hallway nervously. "I'm not quite sure love but I'm sure whatever i happening can easily be resolved." (Y/N) stopped walking and I stopped as well and looked back at her, Caspian looking back and forth between us both. "Edward, the sky has never opened up once in all the time I've been in Andalasia." She was right, but what could that mean? (Y/N) and I both looked at each other anxiously.

So sorry for the delay in updating this story! I have been a bit busy with classes and then overtime lost interest in writing due to having to write so many assignments but I finally took some time to writ some more and work on getting that enjoyment back from writing. I'm not sure if I like this chapter that much honestly. It's pretty much just a filler chapter until the next one is posted where the consequences of Giselle's wish are seen in Andalasia. That's why this chapter is so short. I have to improvise a lot of this story since there is barely any Edward scenes and not much to go off of for the buildup of what happens in Andalasia. I still hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and are excited to read the next one.

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