After Ever After

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Pip's Pov

~Once upon a time in a magical kingdom called Andalasia, there was a brave young prince. The prince would enjoy his time by fighting ogres and riding through the forests on his trusted horse. His name was Prince Edward and he was the next in line to rule and protect Andalasia. But first, he had to find his one true love who could rule by his side when he became king. One day while he was adventuring through the forest, Edward heard a beautiful voice and that voice led him to an equally beautiful young woman named Giselle. The two fell in love and planned to marry the next afternoon. However, Edward's evil stepmother pushed Giselle through a portal that sent her to a strange and extremely confusing kingdom called New York City. As soon as Edward heard about what happened to his bride to be he jumped through the portal to rescue Giselle. This is where our story takes a twist. While searching for Giselle, Edward met a young ,slightly horrified, woman named (Y/N). (Y/N) decided to take pity on Prince Edward and—

"Pity?! She did not take pity on me!" Edward gasped out to Pip while he read the story to his two children as well as Edward's own children. All of the children chuckled at the mans shocked face as he huffed to himself. Just then Edward's wife popped up from behind him to see what all the children were laughing at. "Dear please tell Pip here that you did not pity me when we first met one another!" (Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle at her husband as she watched he'd him try and argue with a chipmunk. "Honey I found you trying to fight a bus full of people with your sword. I kind of had to pity you in that moment." Edward let out a dramatic gasp and clutched the left side of his chest dramatically. "Betrayed by my own wife! How could this world be so cruel!" King Edward let himself fall to the ground as he continued his antics while the children burst into laughter. "All right everybody settle down, settle down, I'm trying to finish the story here." Pipped said which drew the children's attention back to him as they all sat close together once more eager to hear the rest of the story. This time however, Edward and (Y/N) also sat down side by side to listen to the story they knew all too well.

~Anyways, after (Y/N) decided against her better judgment to help the love sick prince they went off adventuring through New York to find Giselle. After a few days of searching and coming up empty handed, the two were able to find Giselle who had herself found the assistance of a man named Robert and his daughter Morgan who saw magic everywhere she went. After Edward and Giselle reunited they planned to come back home to Andalasia where they could finally be married. But the two didn't feel excited to leave their newly found companions. Edward and Giselle both realize that perhaps they were wrong and they hadn't found their true loves just yet. Before they could discuss returning to Andalasia, Edward's evil step mother came to New York to try and get rid of anyone who may take her throne away. After a long and intense battle, the evil queen was defeated and Prince Edward was finally able to confess his feelings to (Y/N), his one true love. (Y/N) felt the same way for Prince Edward and together the two went hand in hand to Andalasia where soon after they became man and wife as well as king and queen. Some years later the king and queen welcome a little baby boy to the kingdom, little prince Caspian. The kingdom described Prince Caspian as his fathers twin and the two were as thick as thieves. He was known as a kind hearted young boy with a knack for horse riding. The king and queen had never been happier and they couldn't imagine life any other way. As more years went by they had another child this time a girl named Rosalie, the sweetest princess Andalasia had ever seen. Everyone in the kingdom, especially the animals, adored Princess Rosalie and her joyous laughter and rosie red cheeks. She was described as looking just liked mother but with her fathers bright blue eyes. Together as family, King Edward and Queen (Y/N) with the help of their children were able to live happily ever after together in Andalasia.~

Several small yawns filled the room and Edward and (Y/N) took notice of their children's tired faces as they fought to stay awake. Pip could see his children doing the same. (Y/N) and Edward looked at each other and smiled softly before getting up to put the prince and princess to bed. Edward picked up his son who, without hesitation,wrapped his arms around his fathers neck and laid his head against Edward's as he drifted off to sleep. (Y/N) gently lifted their daughter who already had her arms out waiting for her mother to pick her up. The small toddler cuddled into her mothers arms as she also fell asleep. Edward and (Y/N) quietly waved goodnight to Pip before turning away to walk together towards the children's room as they enjoyed this moment of peace and togetherness. Once both of the children were placed into bed and tucked in for the night (Y/N) and Edward both looked over their children once more before softly shutting their bedroom door shut for the night. "You'd think they would all get tired of that story after hearing Pip tell it almost every night." (Y/N) whispered to her husband as they walked towards their own room for the night. "I cannot imagine why my dear, I personally love hearing that story with them. Especially the part where the young maiden doesn't pity her heroic Prince Charming." Edward joked as he wrapped his arms around his wife who stifled her laughter as to not wake their children. "The young maiden? I think you mean the peasant who happen to come across the crazed man stabbing a bus in broad daylight." (Y/N) remarked as she looked up at Edward mischievously. King Edward and Queen (Y/N) had truly never been happier than they were right now in this very moment. Neither of them would have ever been able to imagine that, that one fateful day in New York would would lead them to their true love and that they would find their happily ever after with each other. As the two finished the walk from their children's room to their own, a small messenger bird was perched on the window in their room. "Who could possibly be sending a message at this time of night?" Edward asked as he begun to unlace his boots for the night. (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as she made her way to the bird that still held the letter in its mouth. "Whoever it is must be sending something important if it couldn't wait until the morning." (Y/N) took the letter from the bird who sang a sweet tune in response before flying off into the night. (Y/N) unraveled the letter and began reading it while Edward sat on the pair's bed and waited to hear his wife explain what the letter said. (Y/N) grinned from ear to ear as she read further through the letter. "What? What does it say? Who's it from?" Edward asked with anticipation wanting to know what made his wife so happy. (Y/N) tore her eye from the letter and looked at her husband in glee. "It's from Giselle and Robert! They just recently moved out of New York and they want us and the kids to come and visit them all as soon as possible!" Edward grinned as wide as possible at the news. The king and queen did not often get to travel out of Andalasia to see Giselle and Robert so they were always excited for a chance to see their friends. Prince Caspian and Princess Rosalie were always just as excited to see their friends Morgan and Sofia. The king and queen planned to take their children and travel together as a family to see Giselle and Robert and their children first thing tomorrow.

~Little did they know the events that would occur after their visit. Their happily ever after was not over just yet~

Hello everyone! Here is the first chapter for the second book in the Enchanted series! I cannot believe I am able to continue this story and that so many people enjoyed my story! Let me know what you thin of this story and what you would like to see in the next chapters. I will do my best to base this story off of the movie Disenchanted, but since Edward only had a few sevens I will be improvising much of the story in the readers and Edward's pov. Because of that I would love to know what you all would have liked have seen in the movie so. That I can make this story a best as possible for everyone reading it! Next chapter should be out soon!

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