A Rider

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I sat in the arena and looked at the gang of
dragons who stood next to riders in front
of me. "This is my rider Astrid, she can be
fierce, but also very nice" Stormfly said
proudly. "This is my rider Snotlout. Don't
mind him, he's kinda stupid" Hookfang
said with a puff of smoke. "This is my
rider Fishlegs, he's my everything"
Meatlug smiled. "This is my rider Tuffnut"
said Belch. "And this is my rider Ruffnut"
said Barf. "They're twins! And they're
awesome!" Both heads of the Zippleback
said together. "And of course, this is my
rider Hiccup" said Toothless who stood
near the door with his fishbone. I tilted my
head and looked at all the dragons and their riders, they seemed to match each
other perfectly. "Maybe now she'll see
we're not so bad" Hiccup said. I glared at
him. "Never mind. Come on gang, lets go
for a ride" Hiccup said as he opened up
the door. I twitched as the fishbone started
talking to Astrid and moved away from
the open door. As soon as I saw my
chance I leapt into the air and was out the
door in 2.0 seconds. "After her gang!
Don't let her her get away! Come on bud!"
Hiccup said as he climbed onto Toothless.

It felt amazing to feel the wind under my
wings and rushing past my scales again. I
looked back and saw the gang of dragons
behind. They were all slower then me,
even the Night Fury since he carried a
human. I had no idea which way was
home so I took off in a random direction.
Suddenly I became aware of a metallic sound coming from my left, I looked back
and saw a Razorwhip right behind me, "Hi
there I'm Lavender, This is my first time
flying with a rider!" Said the friendly grey
Razorwhip, "I'm IceGlow, Alpha Night
Fury" I replied without even realising it. I
heard a roar further back and saw
Toothless catching up, "Jade, what are you
doing?! Go back, I've got this!" I heard
Hiccup yell. Jade? Where? "Hey gir)" Jade
said holding out a hand. I looked up and
realised Jade was riding Lavender. "Now
it's my first time riding a dragon so please
make this easy for me girl. I'm not going
to hurt you" Jade said. "Oh okay sure.
Wait what?!" I said to myself. Jade
jumped off of Lavender and onto my back.
"Jade!" I heard Hiccup scream. Of course
I panicked a little and spun all over the
place. "Hey, easy girl, it's just me" Jade
said as he put her hand on the top of my head. Somehow she calmed me down and
made me feel safe. I steadied myself until
I was just gliding above the ocean.
Toothless caught up with me and I saw a
very angry fishbone holding lots of rope
and a net. "Jade what were you
thinking?!" Hiccup yelled at her. "I was
thinking I could get to her before you
scared her" Jade told him. Hiccup almost
growled at Jade. "Ugh, Jade just take her
back to Dragons Edge" Hiccup said. "Ill
have her back by evening" Jade replied.
"Okay thanks, I'll be right behind-What?
Evening?" Hiccup said. Jade looked down
at me and I looked up at her, one look was
enough and I knew what she wanted me to
do. I flapped my wings and took off at
great speed. "Jade!!" Hiccup yelled from
behind us.

I looked back to see the gang turn and fly away, I guess they knew there was no
point going after me... us. I looked up at
Jade who was smiling. 'I can't believe I'm
letting a human ride me!' I thought to
myself. I considered ditching her, but a
part of me didn't want to. I decided to have
some fun and test out this human to see if
we were a match. I flew high above the
clouds then dived down. Just as my nose
touched the water I opened my wings and
was lifted up by the wind. I weaved in and
out of the rocks then glided over the
waves. I looked up at Jade who smiled and
rubbed my neck. Maybe humans weren't
so bad after all. "Better go back girl, it's
getting dark. I'm sorry, I know you don't
want to, but it's for the best" Jade said to
me. I sighed, there was no way I could
even find my way back home without help
from another dragon, maybe Stormfly
would help me? And I also wanted to try and fix things with NightShade, er,
Toothless. I looked up at Jade and turned
to way she was pointing. We came back to
Dragons Edge, which I can tell you, was a
lot nicer when you weren't locked up
inside a tiny arena. I saw all the dragons
and their riders watching us. Even from
miles up in the air I could since Hiccup's
anger at Jade, but also concern about her.

I made a nice clean land next to Stormfly
and Astrid. I let Jade get off me. "Just take
her to the arena Jade" Hiccup said calmly.
Jade lead me towards the arena. I twitched
about as we came to the door. I didn't want
to go back. "Hey easy girl" Jade said
softly. She turned and looked at me.
"I'm sorry girl. I don't want to put you back, I really don't. You can manage for a little
longer, can't you?" She said. I felt a shove
from behind and I fell into the arena. I got up and growled as everyone came inside
and shut the door. "Really Snotlout?"
Astrid said with a deadly glare. "Well
there's no way Night Fury girl over there
would get her in" Snotlout said
sarcastically. "Jade what were you
thinking? You have never ridden a dragon
before and then you decide to jump onto a
wild Night Fury?!" Hiccup said in a raised
and concerned voice. "At least she got her
back" Ruffnut said. "Yeah, she could have
just flown away with her into the sunset"
Tuffnut joined in. "That's not the point"
Hiccup sighed putting his hand to his
head. Astrid elbowed Hiccup in the side
softly. "Jade, we don't want you getting
hurt. But this dragon does seem to like
you. So how about we give you some
proper training so you can learn how to
train this dragon?" Hiccup said with a
smile. "Really? Thank you so much! That would be amazing!" Jade said happily. I
tilted my head. It was much more likely
that it would be me training the human,
but I decided I would play nice until I
could get out of here. So I guess I was
going to be trained, but I would make sure
they did it my way.

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