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Tossing and turning occured in the drummers room. He just couldn't get to sleep.

Slowly he say himself up. Stretching his arms into the air before slowly he lowered them.

A yawn escaped out of Dave's lips as he rubbed an eye. He is so tired but just couldn't get to sleep.

Blinking his heavy inducing eyelids, Dave slowly turned his head to the exit of his bedroom door.

Indecisive between of his two choices: stay here or head to Krist's room.

The drummer pushed his brown hair back and out of his face. Huffing softly that he really didn't want to just sit here and suffer from lack of sleep.

"Gon'do it." Dave mumbled to himself. Feeling much better with the choice he has given - the young man gets out of the bed.

His feet sluggishly walked himself over to the exit of his bedroom. A hand lightly grasped the handle as Dave yawned once again.

Turning his bedroom door open, Dave walked out of the room and into the darkened hallway.

"Fuck, I'm so tired." Dave cussed out into the cold air of the hall. He loosely crossed his arms as he began to make his way towards Krist's bedroom.

Reaching to the bassist's room, he knocks on the door. He scrunched his face a bit since he didn't mean to knock that loud.

Movement can be heard from the other side. Krist has woken up. The tallest male sits himself up from the bed.

Who could be knocking this late?

Krist pushed the blankets off himself. A soft grunt escaped out of his throat as he puts his feet on the alcohol stained carpet.

Walking to the bedroom door, Krist turned the knob open. He slightly tilted his head to the side once he revealed Dave.

"Dave?" Krist croaked out. His voice a bit groggy since he has woken up from his sleep.

Dave bit down on his bottom lip. His hands got a bit clammy as he folded them together.

"Hi! Uh.." Dave paused, his brown eyes slowly lifting gaze up to Krist's height. He huffed as he gave in and admitted what was going on.

"I can't sleep. I don't fucking know why. So I just wanted to uh...see if you could help me?" Dave explained, but it sounded more like a question near the end.

With no talkative response, Krist went over. He wrapped his arm around Dave and guided him into the room.

Then, he shuts the bedroom door.

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