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You awake to someone opening the door to the "cell" and you sit up. You rub your eyes and see Michael. You scoot back to the freezing cold wall and scowl on him. When he sees your scowl, he frowns under the mask. You look down and he holds out his hand. You take it, not wanting to be in the cell any longer. He helps you up and turns you around so now he is behind you, with your head against his chest. You walk up the stairs like that. You go to the kitchen and he lets go. You see an open window over the sink. You take your chance. You run and jump onto the counter. Michael looks over is confusion but then slowly realizes what you were doing. He runs toward you. You jump out the window and land on the cold dirt. You run toward the woods. You run as fast as your short legs can carry you. You sense him behind you. You run faster. You were slowing down because you had no shoes and your feet were in pain. You felt a grip around your wrist. A very hard grip. You wince and are forced to turn around. You bump into the person's chest. You look up and are met with a fuming Michael Myers.

He tries to take a deep breath but it doesn't calm him down. His grip on your wrist tightens. Tears roll down your cheek as his grip leaves bruises. "O-ow" you saying trying to pull your wrist away. "Deal with it" Michael says and turns around. Making you follow him back to the house. You follow and try your best to keep up.

He takes you into the house and upstairs. His grip never loosening. He takes you to the bedroom and he looks the door behind you, so you can't leave. He sits on the bed and motions for you to come over. You slowly and hesitantly inch closer to him. In one swift motion, you are now over his knee. You let out a whine as you know what is coming. He rises his hand up and harshly brings it down on your bottom. You yelp. "No Michael please stop" you say. "What did I say would happen if you broke the rules" he says calmly. He brings his hand down on your bottom again. You whine. "No please Michael it hurts" you scream. "Too bad" he says slapping your bottom over and over again. You put your hands over your bottom to make him stop. "Stop it hurts" you scream. He stops and moves so he can look you dead in the eyes. "Aw is my poor little girl in pain?" He mockingly questions. You nod. "Good" he says putting up back over his knee. "Deal with it or I will use my belt" he threatens. You put your head down and cry into the bed. Dealing with the slap after slap on your bottom.

You bottom is now red and stinging when he finally stops. Your head is on the bed. You sniffle and stiffen when Michael rubs your red bottom. He slowly lifts you up "c'mon pretty baby, lets go take a shower." He picks you up and brings you into the bathroom and runs a bath. He tries to undress you but you smack his hands away and he sighs and leaves the room. You look under the sink to find any razors but after minutes of looking, you sigh in defeat realizing that Michael must have taken them. You get into the bath and relax, your bottom stinging. You get out of the bath and Michael conveniently comes in and wraps a towel around your fragile frame. He picks you up again and carries you to the bed.

He dries you off and flips you on your stomach with your bottom in the air. He opens something and you stay in the position nervously. He rubs something on his hand and puts it on your bottom. It was a very cold gel. You gasp at the sudden coldness. He finishes and wipes his hand on the towel. He dresses you in his big shirt. No panties. No bra. He lays you on your stomach on the bed. You sigh and fall asleep immediately. You were very tired from a full day of immense physical, mental, and emotional pain.

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