Chapter - 11

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Third Person's POV 

Mr. Malhotra left the office of Adesh after deciding to talk with his son about his marriage to Ada. Adesh also decided the same. 

After Mr. Malhotra left the office, Adesh asked Adi " What do you think, Adi? Will Ada agree?" 

" I don't know. Mr. Malhotra's son is a good man. I have met him a few times. Ada has also met him twice. I think she will agree if she doesn't have a boyfriend." - Adi replied casually. 

" why? Do you think she has a boyfriend?" - Adesh inquired. 

" No…I am not sure…I…It is just for some days I have observed her behaviour is a little odd as if she is hiding something." - Adi expressed his doubt in front of his father. 

" Hmm…I have also noticed her behaviour and she has been taking so many days off nowadays but wherever I ask her she says she has no boyfriend. Hopefully, we will find out today after telling her about this marriage proposal of Mr. Malhotra's son. What about you?" - Adesh asked with curiosity. 

" What about me?" - Adi asked back with a frown. 

" Oh come on! Don't be shy in front of me. You can tell me about your progress. So have you been able to impress your would-be father-in-law? Do you need my help to send some files to my secretary, Mr. Barun's house?" - Adesh looked at Adi with a playful smile on his face.

Adi looked at his father with a dumbfounded expression. He was confused about how his father found out. He made sure to act very secretively. He didn't even inform his sister or cousins. 

Seeing his son's confused look, Adesh chuckled. Adesh said to his son with a fake sympathetic expression " Dear, Advik Chauhan, if the future CEO of our company suddenly becomes interested to be a tour guide of the Chief secretary's daughter then do you believe this true news will not be spread throughout the company?"

Adi made a frustrated look. He realized his all secrecy became vain. Everyone knew everything from the start. Adesh chuckled seeing his son's expression but his face became suddenly serious when he thought of something. His face became serious and with a very serious tone, he said to Adi " Adi, find out who has spread this lie about your sister's marriage deal with Mr. Malholtra's son. Who has this much audacity to do such a thing in our office?" 

Adi's face also became serious after hearing this. He also realized the importance of finding out the culprit who spread the rumours about his sister's life. He was just about to say something when Adesh's assistant entered the room hurriedly with a panicked expression. 

" Sir, a problem has occurred. Somehow media has gotten the news of Ada ma'am and Mr. Malhotra's son's marriage deal. Many reporters have gathered in our office premises."


In the same city, in a temple situated on the outskirts. 

" Look, Ada, the media is showing the news of your marriage to some famous businessman's son. Did you know about this?" - Dev asked with a doleful expression. 

" No…, Don't believe this news. Media always spreads rumours. If this was true, I would know. This is not true." - Ada replied with a panicked expression. She had no idea why this kind of news was broadcasting on the media channels. She was afraid that Dev would believe the news and doubt her. 

" Then why is this news spreading, Ada beta(child)? Maybe your father has fixed this marriage. Your family will definitely want you to marry into a rich family. Not a poor family like us. I had warned my grandson not to fall for a rich family's daughter." - Dev's grandma said with a grim expression while wiping her fake tears. 

But Ada was completely oblivious to her act. She was too immersed in her own thoughts that she didn't notice all the acts and eye-talking of Dev and his grandma. 

" No no grandma (Dev's), my family is not like that. They don't judge people by their status, money or fame. This kind of news is common in the business world. I am sure this is just a rumour. My father will never fix my marriage without my consent." Ada turned to Dev and held his hands " Dev, I love you. When I tell my father about it, he will agree. You are a good person, I am happy with you. That is all that matters to my family. Trust me…this news is just rumour." 

" Really! Ada? Your father will fix your marriage with your consent? " - Dev's bua, with whom Ada met some days ago, asked with a taunting tone. 

"Yes, without my consent my father will never fix my marriage."- Ada replied with very much confidence. She believes her father. She knows her father loves her very much. He will never take such a big decision in her life without her permission. 

" Then, what is this?" - Dev's bua showed Ada a live telecast of a news channel where Adesh was confirming the reporters about Ada and Mr. Malhotra's son's marriage. He was telling them it was not a rumour but the truth.

Ada looked at the screen of the mobile with a stunned expression. She couldn't believe in her own ears. 

"No, there is some misunderstanding. Where is my phone? I need to talk with my father." - Ada was searching for her phone when Dev's bua called her with a serious expression. 

" Listen, Ada, I know very well what can happen if you tell your father. I have much more experience than you. Now, I am giving you a choice, either you go and marry the man your father has chosen and never contact my grandson or prove your love by marrying my grandson right now at this temple." - Dev's grandma said with a very authoritative voice that Ada had never heard before. 

Upon hearing this, Ada's body became stiff. She was looking at Dev's grandma with a shocked expression. When she looked at Dev, he was giving her a neutral expression. No words were coming out of Ada's mouth. She was feeling numb. She didn't understand what she would say or do. Only tears were continuously falling from her eyes. 

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