Chapter - 3

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Ada's POV 

That little girl's words have been bothering me since then. I don't understand why she said those things. Do I know her brother? I didn't get the time to ask her brother's name. Who is her brother? And even if I know her brother, why did she ask me to love her brother and share food with him? Maybe I am thinking too much. Her words don't make any sense. She was wearing a hospital gown. Maybe she is mentally ill, and that is why she said those things. But I should not just think of someone as a mental person without knowing. Ugh! I have to find out why she said those words. What happened to her? Why is she in the hospital? Yes, until I get all the answers I will not be at ease.  

My thoughts are broken by the nudge my dad gave me. 

I am now inside my dad's car with him. On dad's way to the office, Dad will drop me at the old age home. 

I work there. Actually, I can't say I work there. Because on paper I have no responsibility for that home. I just like to spend my time there. I was very affectionate with my great-grandmother, my dad's grandmother(Nilima). Her death affected my emotions extremely. I was emotionally devastated. So one day my mother brought me to the old age home to spend some time with so many great-grandmas. And from then on whenever I get some time I go to the old age home to spend time with them. 

Third Person's POV 

"What are you thinking so deeply that you forget about my existence beside you? I have been calling you for so long?" - Adesh asked Ada with a raised eyebrow while nudging her on the elbow. 

"Nothing…dad" - Ada replied with a normal smile as if she was really not thinking anything. She didn't want to tell her father about the incident. She knows very well how he reacts. As the incident was a little confusing and also suspicious, if Adesh or any of her family members find out about it they will start investigating and appoint as many bodyguards as possible.

She had already experienced this kind of situation before. So she didn't want to inform any of her family members about it. She decided to investigate it herself. 

" Ohh nothing!…yeah yeah…now you will not tell me anything. I am becoming old…why will you tell me anything?" Adesh started with a sad tone while pretending to be sad. 

Ada rolled her eyes seeing her father's tactics. 

ADA : You know what, dad…Sometimes I wonder if you go to the office or acting classes. 

"Ohh! So now you are finding my grief as acting." - Adesh said in the same tone as before. 

ADA : Who will say you are the same Adesh Chauhan who cracks any business deal he wants with so much efficiency? If anyone sees you acting like this they will think you have a twin brother. 

Hearing this Adesh started laughing. Ada didn't expect her father to find her statement so funny that he would start laughing like this. She didn't think what she stated was that much funny the way her father was laughing. 

ADA : I didn't expect that you would find my statement so funny.

ADESH : I was not laughing because I found your words funny. I was laughing because it reminded me of something.

"What?" - Ada asked with very much interest. She was very interested to know about the thing that made her father laugh so much.

ADESH : On my wedding night -

ADA : Eww…I don't want to hear about your wedding night. 

Adesh looked at his daughter with a bored expression which meant 'Come on, do you really think I will tell you 'that' detail of my wedding night.' Seeing her father's expression, Ada also realized he was her father. He would never share 'that' detail of his wedding night. She gave her a sheepish smile and asked him to continue but Adesh didn't say anything. 

ADESH : No, I will not tell you. I can consider telling you if you first tell me what you were thinking. Were you thinking about any man? Do you have a boyfriend? Who is he? Do I know him? 

Adesh started bombarding Ada with questions regarding her boyfriend. He always worries that his naive little daughter will fall for a bad person.  

ADA : Oh God! Again you have started asking the same questions. Fine! You don't have to tell me. It was not only your wedding night but also mom's. I will ask mom about it. 

Adesh again started laughing. Ada became irritated now. She wanted to know the thing that made her father laugh so much. But her father was not telling her. She puffed her face to show her anger. 

ADESH : Your mom will not tell you. (Chuckled) It was her embarrassing moment. You have to come back to me. 

"Huh! We will see." - Ada replied in a challenging tone. Adesh smiled and pulled his daughter into his embrace. 

Kissing on top of Ada's head, Adesh said with a relieved tone " I am relieved that all your test results came good." 

ADA : I am now completely fine. You and others just worry too much. 

ADESH : We don't want to take any chances. Tell me, sweetheart, do you have a boyfriend? You can tell me, I will not disturb your love life. 

ADA : Oh God! Dad! No…no…no. I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND! 

Adesh pulled aside his head from Ada's mouth because of her loud voice. 

ADESH : Ok, Ok I have understood. I will not ask this question again. I will find you your prince charming who will treat my dear daughter like a princess. 

ADA: But I don't want to be a princess. 

Adesh didn't understand the meaning behind Ada's words. So he looked at her with an inquiring expression. Seeing her father's expression, Ada smiled and replied " I want to be a queen". 

ADESH : Oh, So you want power. You want to rule over your king? 

Ada shook her head while chuckling, then replied with a firm voice and expression " I want to share my king's burden. I always want to stand by him in any situation." 

Adesh was stunned by Ada's answer. His stunned expression was replaced by pride and admiration. He realized his little daughter has really become a woman. She is always his pride. Whether it is business or studies, she is always the best. She always behaves like an ideal daughter. This answer made him realise his little daughter would also be a great wife. 

ADESH : You are my best daughter. 

ADA : I am your only daughter. 

ADESH : Yeah, my best child because the other one is defective. God has forgotten to put the brain in his head. Your stop has arrived. Have fun with your oldies. 

Just as Adesh finished his statement the car stopped in front of the old age home. Adesh kissed Ada's forehead and at the same time, the door from Ada's side opened from outside. Seeing the person who opened the door, Ada gave her father a sulking expression. 

" What? I just don't want you to feel bored. So I asked him to accompany you." - Adesh replied innocently. 

SID : Hi, Di…
ADA : Hmph! I know why he came here. He acts like my bodyguard and also your spy.

Ada came out of the car and closed the door with force making a thud sound to show her anger toward her father. Adesh just chuckled and ordered his driver to start driving. After a few seconds, his car drove away from there. 
Ada was warning Sid while entering through the big iron gate of the old age home " Don't you dare to act like my bodyguard and don't you dare to tell my dad or anyone in the family about what I do, eat or say here. You try to aaaahhh...."

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