Chapter 7

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It seems that I'm drawn to the tree house. I find myself here everyday, looking at the broken memories of what could have been. Crying doesn't seem to help much it only intensifies the pain.

The little rose seems to be declining in health. The color remains but the petals are more fragile, it seems to have gotten a slight arch, and the thorns aren't as bright as they used to be. For some reason I think if I tell the rose to survive then I might as well.

Oh well.

From my quiet disposition I have learned many things about my classmates, but one thing is most unsettling. Jennifer seems to be acting strange lately. She doesn't have the look in her eye that she had when I first saw her, her actions seem more forced, and she doesn't like getting close to Ashton. From all this information I've concluded that she's seeing someone else. While I wish to tell Ashton this I can't. I can't just accuse someone he loves of doing something terrible. He'd probably punish me for being a rouge, or worse discover I'm his mate.

Anyways, I hope that rose survives, and I hope Aston realizes what she's doing.


Ashton's POV

Everything seems to be going great. The day is approaching for me to crown Jennifer as my Luna.

I know there has been much protest to this, but I'm becoming alpha soon due to my father's retirement, and I can't rule as the alpha without my Luna.

If there ever was a possibility of me finding my mate I would be forced reject them.

I just hope they'll understand.


(A/N: I'm sorry for such a late chapter, but I really am a procrastinator at heart. So I made a goal that is required for me to right the next few chapters till the end of the book. I'm thinking about 400 more views, and I will write the next chapter (please no). Also sorry for the really short/bad chapter.)

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