new years eve

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the party

mike: guys, im sorry about the whole thing. i really am,
its okay if none of you wanna go to the new years party.

dustin: bruh u ruined secret santa

mike: i know. im sorry.

max: im over it.

dustin: shes not over it

lucas: will there b alcohol

mike: same as last year

max: ok i forgive u

mike: rlly???

lucas: i guess ill come.

dustin: me 2

mike: el? what about you?

mike: el?

mike: ?????

el stared at her phone, rereading all the messages over and over again. for the twentieth time that morning she almost dropped her phone on her face. she sighed, playing with the necklace around her neck, not really a smart idea to sleep with it on, but who is really stopping her.

at first, el was ecstatic at the news, max was gay, meaning, there was some sort of chance, a little itty-bitty chance, but then she remembered she's a terrible person and has a boyfriend...then she realized everyone in the party knew, except for her, so it made her feel even worse.


new years eve

zero days until new years eve

"she said shes debating on it." mike told the party.

it was finally the one day of the year every one was excited for, it seemed as if it were the core four: mike, max, dustin and lucas and then plus another every year since middle school. it seemed as if it was just going to be...the four of them.
mikes parents always go out for some huge work party so obviously they were never supervised. sometimes they group would wonder if they ever to expand the party, invite more kids from school, get more kegs, get more...everything. but, they were all losers so, the most that would probably come would be eddie munson, the low life at the one wants to be caught dead hanging out with him, especially at a party.

"what?" max asked.

the group was hanging out in mike's kitchen, not even an hour has gone by without three hundred rounds of truth or dare, the suggestions of spin the bottle...which would've been...odd, and crushed beer cans already piling.

"el, she said she might not come." mike informed the group once again, he hasn't gone off his phone once.

"why?" dustin asked, already stuffing his face with mrs. wheeler's cookies...once again.

"is she mad?" lucas asked before taking sip of his beer. "why would she be mad?"

max bit the side of her mouth, eyeing the oven clock, the same thing el did...waiting for max to arrive for secret santa. she wondered what the brunette thought about her gift, she didn't care if el knew it was from her or not, she just hoped that el loved it.

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