sunday, funday

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hanging out with the group seemed to be unavoidable, the day before, max laid in her bed, twisting and turning; she tried to think of all the possible ways she could get out of hanging out with them.

mike and max agreed on skating, which led to lucas wanting to tag along...then dustin, then el.

dustin and el don't even know how to skate.


sunday, funday.

9 days until new year's eve

why did she have to agree to this? max skated down her street, keeping a stable conversation with mike and a stable balance on her board. max's street is where they usually skated out, considering that the old cherry road came with a hill; a hill most were not going to risk going down.

it was simple, don't mess up, that's what max had hoped for.

el sat between lucas and dustin on the driveway, her legs in dustin's lap as she watched her boyfriend, and...max, skate. her job was to take pictures; of course mike wanted to get some cool ones for his instagram, but most of the cool ones were of the redhead, she felt...weird, when she took pictures of her.

no one was going to go through her camera roll.

why does mike need to post on instagram every single week?

"stalker, you quitting on me?" max teased, picking up lucas's board from the street to set in the grass.

"it's hot out here, man." he replied.

max sighed, making her way over to the group of three, el watched her, but max didn't look back.

"it's only sixty, we're lucky." max reached her hand out, waiting for lucas to grab it. "you wanna skate in tomorrow's snow?"

"hell no." he quickly took her hand; she pulled him up and handed him his board. "you owe me."

"owe you for what?" max asked with a laugh.

the pair walked together to get max's board.

el wondered if the two were ever going to get back together, the two are always early with each other whenever the group hung out.
and she was never told the stalker story, why does max call him that?

el and dustin kept a quiet conversation as the two watched the rest skate, she was so done with taking pictures but from time to time, mike would yell at her to do her job.
she played with her broken necklace, the chain had snapped not too long ago, but it was one of her favorites. it wasn't special, it was just one of the cheap ones from walmart.

"i wish i could skate, do you?" dustin grumbled, for once he wasn't yelling.

"not really, it looks dangerous." el responded honestly with a scrunch of her nose, it's not something she even thought of trying before.

"i guess." he picked up a rock from the driveway before tossing it aside. "they never fall though, i haven't seen max fall in ages."

"shit! max are you okay?" lucas hopped off his board, letting it roll who-knows-where.

"except for now..." dustin trailed off.

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