Ch6. Changes

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"Do you wanna take my car?" I asked Johnny, already walking in the direction of the dormitories, "I'm really sore right now and honestly don't feel like walking all the way there."
"Oh for sure," Johnny said without a problem.
Now we were both headed towards my car to eat a hopefully good lunch.

The walk to the dorms wasn't long honestly, and me and Johnny really appreciate the warm sun shining down on us after those cold showers. It's weird to think about how close me  and Johny have gotten in just the span of a couple of days. Honestly I kind of thought I'd end up being that weird introvert with only one friend. That one friend being Sullivan. It's always kind of humorous to think about how we met. If it weren't for the fact that he's kind of an illiterate dumbass, then maybe we wouldn't be friends.

I feel really bad about doing all of these things like joining Roar Omega Roar, when he was the one that really wanted it in the first place. Maybe I should try to come clean about it tomorrow. I don't want him to find out I joined R.O.R before him and have him think I was trying to hide it. "What's on your mind," asked Johnny after seeing me zoned out for a while.
I stared at him for a second, "So, when do you think Sully is going to be included? I feel kind of bad since he was kind of the one that got me into all of this."

"Um, well, pretty soon probably, we're just making sure that he's a right choice for us," Johnny said reassuringly.
"Alright if you says so," I said, I realized that we were nearing the parking lot.
"Follow me, my car's right over here," I said nearing the white Lexus parked close to the entrance to the building.
Walked up to the drivers side and unlocked my door by pulling my hand on the handle. The car sensed the keys in my bag so it unlocked my door. I sat inside and unlocked the passenger side so that Johnny could get in as well.

"Just toss your bag into the back seats," I said as I fished my car keys out of my gym bag before tossing it back as well.
I put my keys in a cup holder next to me and pressed the push-to-start button.
I turned to face Johnny who was looking down at his phone, "Chipotle right?"
"Yeah, I'm starving after all that," he put his phone on his lap.
"Here you can have Aux while I drive," I said handing him my unlocked phone, opened to my folder of music apps.
He searched for some songs as I pulled out of the driveway settling for some mainstream popular pop song I've been hearing around.

As the song ended he picked up my phone again to chose a different one. I looked over at him and saw him frowning at something on my screen.
"What? You having trouble picking a song?" I questioned, confused about his expression.
"No no, it's not that," he moved the phone towards me and tilted the screen so I could see while still paying attention to the road, "Sully's asking you to go to lunch."
I looked at the message and thought, "I don't know, I mean I haven't really been hanging out with him, do you mind if he comes?" I asked Johnny since the original plan was just us two.
"Eeeeeh," He hesitated, "I mean I guess, I don't really mind."
I focused on the road now having to make a U-turn back to the school since I knew he was just at the gym, "Ok, tell him that me and you were headed for lunch and that I'll pick him up in-front of the dorms."
Johnny said alright and I kept driving towards the dorms. I didn't get that far before he messaged me luckily so it was only like an extra five minutes to get back.

Pulling up to the dorms I could already see Sully waiting up front, leaning against a shaded wall near the entrance. He recognized me in the car pulling up and smiled, pushing himself off the wall and waving his blue furred hand in the air. "Oh shoot," I said having a little moment of panic.
"What?" Johnny asked, a little startled at my outburst.
"What should I do about the jacket? Do you think he'll get mad," I asked slowing the car down a bit.
"Oh, umm I think it's fine, if he asks I'll just say his isn't ready," Johnny quickly makes thinks something up.
"Cool cool that works," I drove up to the parking spot in front of Sully and parked quickly allowing him to get into the backseat.

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