eleven . . . "i see you."

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⎯⎯ chapter eleven.

"WINNIE, OH MY SWEET girl, are you okay?" her mother cooed, stepping down the porch stairs as she walked over to mike and her daughter.

"yeah, mom. i'm fine. my leg just so happens to be broken." the thirteen year old girl joked, wincing as she got off the bike, mike helping her to her mother.

"oh my goodness, your leg! watson, honey!" mrs. angeles called out for her husband, the man running out in seconds. "can you take winnie to the car? we have to go to the doctors now!" she explained, handing her daughter to her husband.

she smiled at her father, "hey, daddy." he smiled before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "hey, babygirl. you okay?" he asked the small girl. "yeah, other than my leg being broken, yeah, i'm fine." she giggled, as her dad put her in the car.

"lie down, put your leg up." he told her before shutting the door.

mr. angeles made his way over to the boy that was in front of his wife.

"son, what's your name?" the man asked, snaking an arm around his wife's shoulder. "mike, sir. mike hanlon." mike stammered, intimidated by the man.

"thank you so much, mike. if you weren't there, our winnie probably would have never made it home safely." mrs. angeles smiled sweetly at the boy, putting a hand on her chest.

mike nodded, "it was no problem, my parents always taught me to treat women with respect and make them feel safe at all times."

"good, good. where do you stay at, son?" watson asked. "oh, sir, i stay on the outskirts of town with my grandpa." mike shook his head. "oh. well, tell your old man that watson angeles said 'good job.'" he smiled sticking his hand out for mike to shake it. mike looked at the man before shaking his hand with a smile on his face.

"will do, mr. angeles. bye." he waved before peddling away.

winnies parents rushed to the car, driving away almost immediately.

"so, what happened?"

later that night, winnie was lying down in her bed, staring at her ceiling as she stroked a stuffed animal that georgie had given her as a birthday present a few years back.

she started to drift off, until she heard noises coming from her window. she sat up and looked out of her window which was right next to her bed.

her eyes bounced around as she tried to find the noise. she jumped as a pebble hit her window. hurrying to open her window, she looked out to see bill cocking his arm back to throw another pebble.

"bill? what are you doing here?" she tilted her head in confusion. "i- i- i'll explain s- s- soon. can y- you let me in?" he asked. she shook her head no. "i can't. my crutches would make too much noise if i go down the stairs." she shrugged, frowning a bit.

he sighed, dropping his head. "unless you wanna climb up here. i have a rope in my closet that i can throw down." a slick smile creeping onto her face. his head shot up, nodding. "o- o- okay."

"kay, give me a sec." she smiled, turning to reach under her bed, feeling around for the rope. a smile formed on her face as she pulled the rope from under her bed, tying it to her bed post and throwing it over the windowsill.

all i wanted , bill denbroughWhere stories live. Discover now