Dreaming Stars

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Her breathing paused for a moment.

Only a moment, it seemed like forever as she laid snugly under my blanket.

Mackenzie came to me from the deep abyss of the night, she pecked on my bedroom window to wake me.

How could I not help her, she is my ex-girlfriend even though we had our problems. I sat there next to my couch with my hand ever so gently resting on her chest. I clutched her shirt with affection for her; at one point she was all I had. Now I'm all she has it seems. Mackenzie opened her eyes, she rose up with a panic. Her dark brown eyes studying me, grazing my lips and neck softly as If i'm the starry night.

"It's okay Kenzie," I spoke in a low tone as if she was a frightened kitten,"I'm here."

"I can't thank you enough Hayden. It's kind to let me stay the night."

"It's the least I can do for you," I laughed.

My giggle provoked a familiar grin that I always liked. Kenzie brushed her doll like hair back with her hand, her eyes up to my ceiling; God she is a beautiful person I perceived. It's moments like this I live for.

These moments have the power to haunt, they can haunt our dreams like a prowling nightmare that's reoccurring. Over and over they tempt our choices. Did I make the right decision? Maybe I should have done this or that. It's virtually endless when you get down to it.

She took a deep breath and then settled back into the couch, it embraced her body like a cradle. Mackenzie was on the taller side, her legs had to be bent slightly to fit comfortably on the couch.

I rose up from her side too take a big stretch. The room is silent as the woods outside the door, dead as a cemetery; though lively with many dark lurking creatures roaming the landscape.

There is no fire in my fireplace, no smoke in the chimney. It's kind of cool here.

It's somewhat frosty outside.

I scramble about the pantry, hand over hand until I find the stuff. I found the boxes I use as tender. After laying them central in the fireplace I flick the bic.

It smoulders slightly, spouts ashes.

A warm glow appears beneath my hands, and a sizzling sound soars about.

Mackenzie rolls over to her side to face the fire and flames. The warm red glow is on her face. After a few slow blows to the base of the box it ignited into a stream of heat. For the first time in a couple months my chimney bellows grey smoke.

It's beautify.

It's a hallmark of a cozy home.

Mackenzie smiles at me from the flickering light around the room, a satisfied look.

Oh how I missed that look.

I miss her touch.

I miss her soft lips against mine.

Mackenzie could have been my fiance at one point, she made up what I called happiness. She was my happiness.

Time got between us even though it sounds more cliche to say so.

If I could go back to the days long past, perhaps to reset a single day; it would have been the day I decided Mackenzie wasn't enough.

Lord what was I thinking? Why Hayden?

Mackenzie just blinks, a blank look in her eyes as she watches me.

"What were you doing out there Kenzie?"

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