Whispers In The Mist

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The wind whispers through the darkness outside my window, with a mellow, low cast thundering sound. One wonders if life exist inside the gloomy, uncertain settlement of the morning mist which covers my window. This is no ordinary wind or mist. This is something much different, much more intense, much more frightening. Only the creepiest night crawlers creepoth upon the land, and no soul is insight, except for one. The crystals sparkling on the freshly cut grass, owls hunting for their next meal, and across the road there's a girl, sitting at her window. She appears to have taken notice of my existence and noticed that I watch the night too. I can't recall seeing her any where else but through the morning mist. From this point of view, and the only source of light coming from behind the girl in her room, Its hard to identify her correctly. She seems to have a strawberry haze to her hair or maybe that's a lightened stream of blonde, Never once has she made any attempt to reach out to me. In all the mornings prior to this one, she has not smiled. I can't believe it, in all this darkness in which its reach is endless, and the pounding wind, coupled with frightening mist, I see a smile. Its the most beautiful smile ever witnessed by my eyes. I have a feeling of hope and truth. That if this girl can see the horror that lies just beyond this paint of glass, as I do and can still smile. I know, I can too. I must meet her, I thought to myself. But what would I say to a creature as beautiful as she? Later that morning I took a journey across the road to the girls house. I can't help but wonder, what she thinks of the darkness, outside our windows at night. Doe's it bother her or does she take notice, as I do? I must find out. I ring the door bell and nothing happens. I ring it again, no response. I can hear the cry's of a girl on the other side of the door. For some reason, I began to get a bad feeling, a terrible feeling runs through my head. I took drastic measures and opened the door myself, and walked in. It is the girls mother and her father talking, she's crying. I was in shock, my heart dropped to my feet, my blood ran cold to hear the words her father said next. And I quote - " I can't believe this happened. It's a terrible thing that poor boy across the street over dozed last night. Was him and Caroline friends?

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