Roll 2 Scene 7 - A Problem For The Future

113 21 134

October 30th, 2019

"Um ..."

She was waiting for him to answer.

"It's actually, um ..."

Kate placed her hand under her chin, giving him her full attention. "Yeah?"

"About you know ..." He was sweating. His eyes darted to Lily who was busy with her phone, rapping to whoever was on the other side. He needed her or his flask of wine or his best friend who always got him out of these situations.

He really wished Jay was here.

"Nith?" His eyes meet her blue ones once more. The bits of gold that swirled on those ocean-blue orbs were visible from their proximity. "Everything ok?"

Nith nodded, picking up his cup of coffee. His hands were clammy and his nerves were out of control. He took a huge gulp in an attempt to calm his firing nerves. In his nervousness, he had forgotten that this was the new cup the server had just brought.

The scorching drink burned as it slid its way down his throat. His mouth was on fire. Nith coughed - the back of his throat burning - almost spitting out the bit that was still inside his mouth. But seeing Kate in front of him, he panicked, gulping it down instead. The blistering heat of the coffee caused him to cough again which made the coffee flow down the wrong pipe.

This was not what he had in his mind.

"You ok?" Kate asked, her hand already on his back, patting.

He nodded, tears pooling around his eyes. His throat was burning. But ... but a tiny part of him was relieved that he won't have to answer her question anymore.

"Want some water?" She tucked her hair behind her ear, her expression somber. "Who drinks coffee like that? Are you an idiot?" Kate passed him the water bottle, her hand rubbing circles on his back. Her celestial nose scrunched as she said the next word with a huff, "Seriously." 

Nith wanted to laugh through the pain. Some habits were truly hard to let go of.

"You got to messing with me!"

They both turned toward the voice.

It was Lily, standing in front of the table with her hand over her mouth, her azure eyes as wide as a saucer. A look of cognizance and surprise adorned her expression as if she had finally deciphered something that was right in front of her.

"Wh-what hap-happened?" Nith asked. His throat throbbed, stinging as he tried to talk.

"You ..." Lily pointed her finger at them. "It's her?" Her voice sounded breathless.


Lily shook her head instead of answering Nith's question. Her hands fumbled as she started to gather up her things: the laptop, the power bank, and the notepads.

"I have to go." The words left her mouth faster than her hands could put everything back inside her bag. She shook her head once more. "Kate," she smiled as she said it. "It was an honor to meet you. I loved you as Cat-Woman. From the very first film. And I know the last movie will be the best." Kate nodded in response, bewildered at her behavior. With the last piece of note stuffed inside her bag, Lily straightened, glancing at Nith and then back at the blonde. "I will be looking forward to meeting you again."


"Yeah." She forced a smile, eyes back at Nith. "I will see you at the hotel, Nith." And then she was gone, almost running out of the cafe door.

A moment passed as the remaining two stared in her direction. Both had their brows knitted together, confused at what just had happened.

"Is she always -"

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