Rolling, Camera and Action!

218 57 96

May 15th, 2020

"Hello, gossipers! Today's episode of our Gossip Guys podcast is special. Today we will be talking about the theory that started as a simple observation from a fan on social media, but now! Now it is a full-blown storm taking over Troywood thanks to an article by Weekly Spotlight! I have Jade with me, as always. Jade say hi!"


"And today's topic-slash-theory is ... drum roll, please."

"Boom boom boom."

"Cute. And that is, Is Lizzy from the book Maybe Someday really based on Actress Kate Aurum? It has been the talk of the town ever since a fan wrote down the comparisons between the actress and the character. And to fuel its fire, Weekly Spotlight wrote an article - a month ago, that suddenly blew up last night - where they had put together a list of evidence! Can you believe that? A movie-worthy drama unfolding right in front of us! Jade, what do you think about this?"

"I think it's a hoax. A publicity stunt by Colored Entertainment."

"Always the pessimistic. But there is so much evidence."

"What evidence Russet? A thread from user Fitzsbutthole? C'mon!"

"Hear me out, though! Both Kate Aurum and Nithan Sage lived in the same town when they were kids. They went to the same school and were friends when they were kids. If you think 'bout it, a lot of the things that Lizzy does in the book are kinda similar to Kate."

"Fine. Let's just say that Lizzy is Kate then who is Fitz based on then?"

"Funny you mention that. Cause I was doing some research before the show-"

"You mean reading crazy theories on social media?"

"Shut up. As I was saying, I was doing research and found a comment that speculates who Fitz is based on."


"Nithan Sage himself."

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