A song of Ice and Fire

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Vaella walked into her mother's chambers quietly.

"Vaella, my sweet." Rhaenyra smiled.

She closed the door behind her and stood in front of her mother.

"What is the plan here, mother?" She asked. She wanted to go straight to war. She wanted to put Aegon's head on a spike and display it for all the would be usurpers.

Rhaenyra sighed and took her daughter's hand. "We must wait. We have sent ravens to possible allies if the Greens decide to attack us."

"They already have, mother!" She yelled. "They took your throne. You can't just let them get away with that!"

"You think I am not angry? I am. I lost my father, my throne, and my child. I spent a few moments with her as she died in my arms." Rhaenyra explained. "As queen, I need to consider peace. When dragons flew to war, everything burnt. I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone."

"But I would mother. I can't forgive and I can't forget."

"Forget what?" Rhaenyra asked.

Vaella wiped her eyes before the tears could fall. She wasn't talking about the usurpering of the throne. She was talking about what aegon did to her.

"Nothing." She answered.

Rhaenyra could see something was bothering her daughter, but she knew she had to tell Vaella the prophecy her father told her of.

"I need to tell you something, Vaella." Rhaenyra said as she held her daughter's hands. "When my father named me heir, he told me of a prophecy. I am telling you this so when you have a child of your own you can tell him or her."

"Mother, you're making no sense."

"Vaella, listen to me. Aegon, the conquer, had a dream he imprinted on a dagger. It foretells that the realm will only be able to stand against a dire threat from the cold north, between the living and the dead. Only a Targaryen can stop it. Aegon said, "From my blood will come the prince that was promised, and his will be the song of ice and fire." Rhaenyra explained.

A single tear dropped from Vaella's eye. She didn't care about some prophecy. She wanted revenge.

"Dreams didn't make us kings. Dragons did." She said coldly.

"You sound like Daemon." Rhaenyra sighed.

"At least one of us do." She said, shaking her head. "You're Queen now. What queen doesn't defend her own throne?" She said, pulling her hands away from her mother. She knew that it wasn't her mother's fault. She wanted to tell her why she was so angry, but the words couldn't leave her mouth.

"Vaella I -"

Just then, there was a knock at the door interrupting the conversation.

"What?" Rhaenyra snapped.

The door opened, and a guard walked in. "Apologies, My Queen, but Prince Aemond is here. He has requested a private audience with Princess Vaella."

"What?" Rhaenyra asked angrily.

"I'll handle it." Vaella said, getting up, but her mother grabbed her arm, causing her to flinch.

"I know you are angry with me, Vaella, but I love you, and as your mother, I have to think of your life as well."

Vaella pulled her hand away and gave her mother a nod. She walked out and wiped her eyes dry.

"Where is he?" She asked the guard.

"The chamber of the painted table." The guard answered.

Vaella entered the room, and the guard left, closing the door behind her.

𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐧 / 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now