Chapter 7 - Silence

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Time: 23:46 / Visibility: 26km / Weather: Sprinkling / Location: ???

(Doctor's Pov)

I found myself sitting on the floor of an abandoned factory tied up, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew Lappland was on her way to see me, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me. Our past encounters had been intense, to say the least. Lappland's possessive tendencies had become increasingly evident, and I knew I needed to tread carefully. I got up from the floor and tried to find something to help me.

The door to my room creaked open, and there she was, standing in the doorway with that unsettling, almost maniacal grin on her face. Her eyes pierced through me, and I could feel a shiver run down my spine. Lappland walked towards me with a sense of purpose, her steps measured and deliberate.

As she approached, she reached out to touch my face with a gloved hand, her touch surprisingly gentle. Her voice was a mixture of sweetness and madness as she spoke, her words dripping with possessiveness.

"Doctor, I've been waiting for this moment for so long," she said, her voice soft and almost childlike. "I've watched you from afar and dreamt of the day we would finally be together."

I couldn't deny the unease that washed over me. Lappland's fixation on me was unsettling, to say the least. But I knew I had to handle this situation with care. I tried to keep my tone neutral as I responded.

"Lappland, I appreciate your feelings, but we can't be together in that way," I said, trying to gently push her hand away from my face. "We have a professional relationship as members of Rhodes Island, and-"

But Lappland's expression changed in an instant. Her sweet smile twisted into a scowl, and her grip on my face tightened, her gloved fingers digging into my skin.

"Don't you understand, Doctor?" she hissed, her eyes wide with a mix of anger and desperation. "I'll do anything to keep you by my side. I won't let anyone take you away from me. Besides, we aren't in Rhodes Island anymore."

I could feel my heart race, and I realized that Lappland's actions were escalating quickly. I needed to handle this situation carefully to avoid triggering her further.

"Lappland, please," I said, my voice firm but gentle. "I value our relationship, but we can't have a romantic relationship. It's not healthy because of your mental state."

Lappland's grip on my face tightened even further, and she leaned in closer, her breath hot against my skin. Her eyes bore into mine with a mixture of sadness and craze.

"I won't let anyone come between us," she whispered, her voice low and dangerous. "If I can't have you, Doctor, then no one can."

I knew I needed to act quickly. I gently pushed her hand away from my face and took a step back, keeping a safe distance between us.

"Lappland, I care about you, but this is not how a healthy relationship works," I said firmly. "I need you to calm down and let go of this obsession. Right now there are tons of operators looking for you."

Lappland's expression darkened, and she drew her sword with a wild, almost feral look in her eyes.

"You're mine, Doctor," she said with a twisted smile. "And I'll make sure no one takes you away from me. Why do you think I hurt Exusiai? Sure it was a nice revenge but oh did I notice her getting all touchy-feely with you..."

"Why would you do that Lappland? She's been stuck in the ICU since we found her. We thought she was  killed!"

"No, I kept her alive...just...left her a bit hurt. I couldn't just kill her like that, too many loose ends with how integral she is to Penguin Logistics." Lappland eyes were bouncing around the room as if making sure no one was secretly spying on us.

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