Chapter 6: Reunited

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"Don't waste your time torturing him" Said Maria seriously and took the gun out of Joshua's hand...

*Gun shot*

"Finally..." Said Maria looking at Sofia.

"You ruined my attempted torture" Said Sofia with an angry expression.

"Okay, okay... What are we going to do with his body now?" Said Gadiel confused.

The guys took Ivan's body and fed the zombies with it.

(Later that night)

"Alright, let's go to sleep" Said Shanice, sleepy and everyone agreed with her.

All of them went to sleep, except Joshua and Maria.

"We need to talk." Said Joshua to Maria tooking her hand.

"Alright" Said Maria confused, looking at Joshua weirdly.

"Are you okay?" Said Joshua to Maria.

"Yes, why?" Said Maria lying.

"It's just that I overheard you talking in the laundry room" Said Joshua.

Maria stared at him silently.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, you didn't deserve what you had to go through all these years" Said Joshua, worried.

"I'm fine now, thanks to you." Said Maria .

Both of them blushed and stared quietly at each other. Shanice woke up to drink water and then heard some voices from afar.

"What are you doing?" Said Shanice, interrupting the tense moment.

"It's late, I thought you were going to sleep" Said Shanice with a bitter tone.

"We're just talking" Both of them said at the same time, then looked at eachother.

"You should go to sleep" Said Shanice, turning around to go back to sleep.

When Shanice left they completely ignored her and went to another place to talk, the river. When they got there they started to ask questions to know more about each other and forgot about the dangers that they could've encountered outside. A couple weeks passed and as Joshua got to know Maria he started to catch feelings for her and so did Maria. They thought no one would notice but Gadiel and Sofia knew something was going on between them. One day while they were talking about what they wanted to do when they grow up as kids, Joshua and Maria disappeared. Gadiel knew where Joshua was taking Maria, it was a secret spot only both of them knew. He was taking her there because he wanted to tell her about his feelings but he wanted everything to be a secret between them.

"Where are you taking me?" Said Maria curious.

"Somewhere I know you'll like," Said Joshua, anxious to arrive.

The place was a little abandoned tree house where Joshua and Gadiel used to go when they had to talk about private things, it was near the house but because of the trees that were around the house you couldn't see it well.

"Wow!" Said Maria surprised.

"When did you find this place?" She said.

"It's just a place I like to go to when I'm not feeling good." Said Joshua, smiling at her.

They entered the tree house and sat there, at first nobody said anything, they were looking at each other nervously till Maria spoke first.

"So why did you bring me here?" Said Maria interested.

"I wanted to tell you something," Said Joshua shyly.

"I know what you are going to tell me, did you really think I wouldn't notice?" Said Maria, then rushed to kiss him.

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