Chapter 4: Unexpected

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"Are you dumb" Gadiel said to Timothy, who was hurt in the shoulder.

Timothy ignored his comment and went to apologize with the group.

"Guys I'm fine" Timothy said with a sad tone.

"You don't look or sound fine" Joshua said, noticing the tone of Timothy's voice.

"It's just that I was so close to seeing my family again, I'm sorry, I know it was a mistake leaving without saying anything" Timothy said.

"Ada, help timothy with the injury in his shoulder" Said Shanice tired.

"It's going to get dark soon" Gadiel informs, "we need to find supplies for the night in this awful forest"

"Ada and Joshua go find some edible stuff and wood for the fire, take karla with you" Shanice said "I will be with Gadiel, we are going to find water and some fish in a river that i saw, Sofia and Timothy stay here and make a route for tomorrow morning so we can leave this creepy place" everyone agreed with her and leave with their task assigned.

Ada and Joshua came back with a basket full of berries and wood, laughing at each other because of a dumb comment that Joshua said.

"Where is Karla?" said Sofia, worried.

"She's right here" said Ada, looking around but she didn't see karla.

"Oh God, what do we do now?" Joshua began to get worried.

"Guys we found a lot of fish in that river. It was awesome, and Shanice started looking like a killing machine. It was so funny" Gadiel interrupted.

"Where is Karla?" Shanice said, noticing that everyone was tense by the comment, she started to get mad and then a loud scream was heard close to some bushes.

Little Karla was scared by a mutant zombie. The zombie was gross and covered in blood, but it looked calm behind Karla.

"Karla, don't move," said Joshua. but she ran into Shanice's arms.

The mutant zombie didn't move. It was weird, but Ada thought the mutant was going to attack and she started to shoot with a rifle.

"RUN!" said Joshua with horror in his voice, because the mutant got aggressive and everyone started to run.

"KARLA YOU NEED TO MOVE!" said Shanice screaming.

Karla in shock couldn't move a finger. So Shanice grabs her arm and starts to run with her.

"GUYS OVER HERE!" Timothy screams pointing to a cave with Joshua and Ada inside.

Shanice and Karla fall to the ground, and Sofia goes back to help them, but it was too late because the mutant was in front of Karla and Shanice.

"NOOOO!" Everyone screamed, looking that the mutant started approaching to Karla who was crying with his eyes closed. The mutant grabbed her leg but Shanice started pulling her from the mutant.

"It's fine." said Karla, looking at Shanice's face in horror.

"Please don't say that." Shanice started to cry so much that she barely had vision.

"Let me go, i'll be fine" said karla trying to get out of shanice's grabbing.

"Nora..." Shanice whispered in pain imagining that Karla was her little sister Nora.

At that moment the mutant ribbed Karla's head and started to chew her body and left with a meal. Sofia took Shanice and ran with her to the cave, and everyone was sad because of what just happened.

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