Chapter 3: The Last Hope

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2 months went by since the last horde, they lost many people, but new members came along, they were devastated, but the group of friends managed to fight it together and didn't get bitten.

(One morning at 4 am, while almost everybody was still sleeping)

"What do we do now?" Timothy asked, looking at his friends for answers.

"We need to find a way to survive," Shanice said, her voice firm. "We have to be stronger than them if we want to make it out alive."

"I got to make a call," Timothy said looking at Shanice.

Timothy took his phone out of his backpack to call his parents. "Dad, there's a zombie out there, I'm scared." He said, worried.

"What? What do you mean by zombie?." Timothy's dad said, laughing

"Dad, I am not joking. Where 's mom?" Timothy said, almost crying. "She's here with me, I'll put you on speaker." Said Timothy's dad."Hey ki-" Timothy hears a loud thud in the background of the call and then his mom screams and the call disconnects.

Timothy wakes up panicked, turns out that it was a nightmare about when it all started. He hasn't stopped thinking about his parents and sister since that day.

"What time is it?" He asked himself .

He gets up from his bed and proceeds to walk out of the building to an old, unused cabin. When he enters the cabin he finds Sofia with shock on her face, she had uncovered a board with a map of the Dominican Republic and Haiti that showed potential refuges that he had discovered by radio.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!?!!" Timothy exclaimed.

"What is this??" Said Sofia, still in shock.

"I can explain". Timothy said.

"I- I've been planning on a route to go back to my home." He said.

"What? Are you crazy? Why didn't you tell me?" Sofia asked, angrily.

" 'Cuz I didn't want anybody to know" Timothy said, saddened

"That is a long and dangerous journey, you should've at least told me" Said Sofia.

"I know, I know, I didn't want to worry anybody" Timothy said.

"I was planning to leave tomorrow morning, I know it is a long and really dangerous trip, but it's my decision." He said.

"I know it's your decision, it's just a crazy journey. Why do you want to go to another refuge, isn't this enough and you got friends here." Sofia said.

"It's not that, I still have hope that my parents and my sister are alive.." Timothy said

"Oh.." Sofia whispered.

"I know it's crazy, but I really want to go look for them... I feel so bad if I don't" Timothy said.

"And I was talking to another group of refugees through the radio that could help me out on the way there. Please just- do not tell anybody, only tell them if they start asking where I am." He said.

"I'll promise to not tell anyone if you promise to come back." Sofia said.

"Ok, I promise." Timothy said.

"Wait! How can we contact you, if we need you or you need us?" Sofia asked Timothy, intrigued.

"There is a radio that you can take I'll contact you through there" Timothy said.

"Ohh, well I'll see you later, maybe..." Sofia said, jokingly

"Yeah, bye." Timothy said.

Sofia walks out of the cabin worried. Timothy, worried too, looks at the board and checks if he got everything he needs. He waits until the next morning.

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