Chapter : 1. Sirius's son

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                        Sirius's Son Harry Black

                           Sirius' Son

A/n: I do not own the rights to any character or location that was created by J.K. Rowling in her Harry Potter series. And this story is from his from the writer 'Nessa Elendil.'


"So, Padfoot, what'd you need to come over here for tonight?" James Potter asked as his friend walked through the front door, carrying a small bundle with him.

"Prongs, look!" His voice portraying only the utmost joy, Sirius carefully held out the bundle for James to see.

James peered down into the soft, blue blanket; a tiny head crowned with thick, dark hair was that was exposed of the sleeping child that was wrapped in Sirius' arms. "Sirius… is that a- a baby?"

Sirius nodded, smiling. "Yeah. He's mine."


He pulled the sleeping infant closer to himself, gently rocking him while he slept. "Mhmm, mine," Sirius answered, gazing lovingly down at the boy. "I'm naming him after you though, if that's alright." He looked up quickly as he said this, watching his friend's reaction.

"You're calling him James?" James asked, taken aback.

"No, I'm calling him Harry. I want James to be his second name."

Grinning widely, James clapped a hand on Sirius' shoulder, careful not to jostle the baby it was supporting. "Thanks, mate."

"There's, ah, one more thing, though…"

"Anything, what?" James asked, now unable to take his eyes off of the child Sirius was holding.

"I, um, I want you and Lily to be his godparents. In case anything, you know… happens."

His hazel eyes peered over the rims of his glasses, meeting Sirius' grey ones. "Of course," James said with a smile. As his smile became a well-known grin, he added, "Now instead of waiting nine months for a kid, we can just off you and voila!"

Sirius' expression, for the first time that night, lost the happiness and pride James had never seen before. "Oh, man. Prongs, I'm sorry. I didn't think…" He trailed off.

Giving him a look of confusion, James asked, "What are you on about?"

"Lily… Is she…? I mean, I know she was sick and everything…"

James' face became one of realization and his mouth formed an 'o'. "Yeah, she's getting better though; been recovering on bedrest for the past couple of weeks. She's not contagious or anything, and I'm sure she'll want to meet her godson."

Sirius nodded. "You had us all worried with what was going on with her, ya know, Prongs. You've been the only one who's seen her for, what, six months now?"

"Yeah… Dumbledore's stopped by a few times though; gave her some things she could do for the Order. It wasn't too much, but I'm willing to bet it helped keep her from going insane."

"Don't doubt that, mate; I don't think I could last six days holed up like that, let alone six months."

James nodded this time.

"But I also meant, since, you know, you guys have been trying for awhile, and I just pop in here with a kid…"

James smiled sadly. "Yeah…" He paused for a moment. True he hadn't thought much of it once he saw little Harry, but Lily… that was never far from Lily's mind, not since their second scrape with Voldemort… "Don't worry about it. Lily would be more upset if you don't take her godson up to meet her."

Sirius's Son Harry Black Where stories live. Discover now