Chapter:3. Harry's first word

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             Sirius's Son Harry James Black

                Harry's First Word

Sirius Black tiredly shuffled into the large room. With one arm, he held his soon to be six month old son; and with the other, he dragged a would-be-heavy-if-not-for-the-feather-light-charm baby bag. Once he reached the large table in the center of the room where the meeting would take place, Sirius let himself fall into a chair next to James, and placed Harry on the table in front of him.

"Mate, you don't look too good."

Sirius snorted. Upon closer inspection, James had been able to see the dark bags under Padfoot's eyes; eyes that held a small bit of red on the white surrounding the grey. Needless to say, Sirius could not remember the last time he had a good, full night's rest since getting Harry. Not that it mattered; Sirius would choose Harry over sleep any day. . . he was already doing so.

(For now, though, Sirius was just glad he didn't have a job to worry about. He had handed in his resignation to the Auror department shortly after having Harry; during his short time as an Auror, he had been sent on more than one last minute notice missions that lasted over a week, and he wasn't willing to do that now that he had Harry to look after. Besides, he wouldn't be much help on a mission if he could only think about his son, and Sirius was fairly certain he would go insane if he was without Harry for too long.

Also, being the last Black, he had come into a rather large inheritance when his mother died a few months prior; and although it was enough to last both he and Harry well past his son's Hogwarts years, and Sirius knew his life would get pretty boring once Harry went off to school if he didn't have job to distract him from the boredom. . . and heartache; right now though, he was just glad Harry could be, in addition to his first concern, his only concern. Well, besides the Order.)

With a failed attempt to stifle a wide yawn, Sirius reached down into the baby bag while trying to keep his drooping eyes focused on Dumbledore for the beginning of the Order of the Phoenix meeting. Getting frustrated that he couldn't find the objet he was looking for, Padfoot seized the bag up into his lap to continue his search.

"Whatever you're doing for that baby, do you think it could wait until after the meeting, Black?" Mad-Eye Moody asked not too pleasantly, his magical eye searching the bag Sirius held. Whether it was for the same thing Sirius may be looking for or some undetected threat, no one bother to find out.

"It's not for him," Sirius spat back, finding the object at last. Plopping the bag back to the floor, he pulled up a small, light blue pillow with 'Sleepy Head' stitched onto it. He dropped it to the table and let his head fall atop it.

Harry immediately busied himself by playing with his father's long, tangled hair.

Remus raised a concerned eyebrow in Sirius' direction as Dumbledore began to speak.

Not five minutes into the meeting, and Mad-Eye especially, was growing rather annoyed that someone present would not have the state of mind, or decency, to at least stay awake during a meeting Dumbledore had dubbed 'of vital importance'. Sirius was soon woken from the light slumber he had drifted into by a harsh shout of "Constant Vigilance!"

Unfortunately, those two words also startled Harry, or rather, scared the poor child out of his mind; Harry's father always made a point of trying not to shout around his small son (in other words, the only loud and unforeseen noises Harry was accustomed to were the ones he himself created. . . at all hours of the day). Having grown up himself in a house where he was often shouted at without real reason, Sirius didn't want to subject his own son to the same thing, even if his shouts weren't directed at Harry.

Sirius's Son Harry Black Where stories live. Discover now