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Two years later...


"Paul, that's not a good clean job you did."
"What?! How dare you say that?! It's perfect!"
Paul stuffed everything in the closet, and the doors look like there about to explode.
Marko sighs heavily, "you're hopeless." And walks away.

We're getting the cave cleaned up for Cerise's arrival.
It's been two years since she left, and two years since we've seen her.
She can't really write letters, because we don't have an address. But she calls us occasionally on payphones.

Her life is good. She's living in a nice house, she got a job as a nurse in a hospital, whereas Alan got a job as a construction worker.

There relationship is strong, she even said they're going to get married officially next year...I'm really happy for her.

But...Alan of all people?
That's a surprise. But a good one.

Dwayne sweeps up some dust, throwing it in the trash can.
"I can't wait to see her."
"Me too!" Marko runs up. "I wonder how much has changed..."
Honestly...I wonder that too.

How much of the Cerise we saw getting on the bus is left?
We all clean, until suddenly, I hear Marko cry.


The three run towards her, and I turn.
Alan and her are standing side by side.

Cerise's hair is much longer now...and her face has slimmed down more.

And...her stomach, is round, and full.
She's pregnant.

My eyes widen.

"Ohhhhhhh my gosh!" Marko squeals, bringing his hands to his mouth. "She's pregnant!"
"We're gonna be grandpas!" Paul laughs before jumping with Marko.

Dwayne comes and congratulates her, hugging her.
"When are you due?"

"Couple more weeks," she blushes, before reaching into her pocket and pulling out an ultrasound photo. "Meet Joey."


"She's gonna have a little boy," Marko sniffles, "I might cry."

I stand off to the side, waiting for my turn to talk to Cerise.

Before long, she sees me and smiles.

"Hi dad," she comes up and hugs me. I smell her sweet perfume. "I missed you..."
I smile softly, hugging her back.

"I missed you too..."

She won't stay forever, just for a few hours...but I'm happy I get to see her.
My Lost Girl.

The Lost Boys Daughter ✓ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now