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"She still hasn't come back," I say, holding two fingers over my lips. Could she have ran away? No, she's too smart for that. But where could she be?
"I feel horrible," Marko sits beside me. He sighs heavily, bringing his hands to his head.
"I can't believe she knows."

"Fucking Edgar," I growl. I feel my fangs explode in my mouth. If things were easier, I'd go after that little shit and drink him dry.
But it's too obvious. People would point the fingers at me, and Cerise would be one of them.

We all sit in silence for hours, before suddenly we hear footsteps.
Our heads snap towards the sound, and we see Cerise.
"Cerise!" Paul runs to her, instinct has him trying to hug her, but he stops himself a foot away from Cerise. He knows he can't hug her like he used to... she'd only tense now, and remember the truth.

Its going to be like that for all of us.

"I'm glad your okay," I say, watching her walk away.
Marko gets up. "Are you hungry? I got your favorite!" He holds out a Chinese takeout box, full with saucy noodles and steamed veggies.
She looks at the food sadly, then at Marko. "No, thank you."

She keeps walking, towards her room.
Marko looks absolutely crushed. Instinct wants him to try and make it better, but he can't. None of us can. This isn't a wound you can just put a band-aid on and expect it to heal.

This is permanent damage.

"I didn't want to come back, you know," she says, her back to us. "But I had to."
She inhales, her shoulders raising. "I'll never forget this, and I don't think I'll ever forgive you. So please...don't say you love me. Don't treat me like a daughter. Just...treat me like I'm someone who needs a place to stay until I get on my feet."

She opens the door and closes it.

"We lost her trust..." Marko whispers, his eyes glinting a little before he aggressively kicks a box that's beside him.
We lost everything. Her trust, her love, and her.
She'll never be that happy go lucky girl we always saw. She'll never look at us the same.

We're now a broken family.

Dwayne lowers his head, Marko wipes at his eyes, and Paul smokes his cigarette a little harder, a habit he does when he's sad.
I run my hands through my hair.
We can't do anything to fix this...she's gone.
I feel like a part of me just died.



It was so hard for me to look at them.
I could barely meet Marko's eyes. They were so full of pain, and a little flicker of hope that I might actually smile again.

It's going to be like that too, until the day I die.

I can't live in this cave, walking around on eggshells around the killers of my family.
So when the sun shines, I wake up and get dressed.

The guys are gone, sleeping in the shadows, waiting for night to fall. It gives me enough time to distance myself from them.
I pack my backpack with all my clothes, and whatever money I can find, which isn't much. I write a little note and lay it on my pillow. After that, I pick up my bag and leave the cave.

My eyes sting from the sunlight, so I hold up a hand to shade them. I'm not used to being out during the day.

I get on my bike and start it, but before I leave, I look behind me.
I get one last good view of the ocean and lighthouse.

I'll never see it again...

I feel an ache in my heart. I'm saying goodbye to the only things I've ever known.
And I'm heading out into the unknown, unprepared, and scared.

I sigh, shaking my head. I have to do this.
I rev the engine, and soon I'm driving away, hitting the road and speeding down it.
Farther away from home.
Farther away from them.

The Lost Boys Daughter ✓ [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang