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"Have you seen or heard anything yet Alan?"
The guys and I are standing outside of the comic store on the boardwalk. Edgar is doing circles inside the store, eyeballing us. Every time I flash him a look, he jumps and looks at the comics, pretending to be busy.

Alan shakes his head, arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the wall.
"No, there isn't anything," he sighs, "I can't believe this..."

It's been a week now since she left home. Not a single clue, or word, or trace to find her.
I exhale, bringing a hand to my tired face. I don't know what else to do. A side of me is considering going to the police, but they'd only be more focused on us then her.

We're stuck in a never ending nightmare.

I thank Alan, and we walk back to our bikes.
Marko is dragging his feet, Dwayne's head is lower then usual, and Paul's breathing is heavier.

When we get on our bikes, I sit there.
"What should we do now?" Marko asks.
What should we do...

I look at him. "I don't know anymore, Marko,"  I sigh, tugging at my gloves.
We've searched every corner of Santa's not like we can go any further.
We can't be too far away from our cave, in case of the sun rising.

I let my head fall on my bike. "Fuck."

"Hey, Lost Boy."

My head snaps up, and I see Greg and his trash of a girlfriend Shelly.
Surf Nazis.

"What do you want?" I growl. The last thing I need are these fuckers bothering us...
Greg smirks. "A little birdie told me your missing someone..." He holds up a necklace.
The one that Paul made for Cerise when she was twelve.

Paul's eyes widen.

I fly off my bike and grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Where is she?"
Greg laughs lowly, not an ounce of fear in his voice. "Take it easy, David."
"Where. Is. Cerise?" I repeat, squeezing my hold on him.

"If you ever want to see Cerise again, meet us at our gang house. Midnight, tonight."
He pushes me off him.

"What do you want in return?" I ask as my three boys surround me.
He laughs. "There can only be one gang in Santa Carla," he backs up to his girl, "so, simple enough. I want you."

My eyes widen.

"You have limited time. Be there, or the girl dies."
"You son of a-" Marko runs to get them, but I grab him before he can reach halfway.
Greg laughs, and he walks off along with Shelly.

"They got our girl," Paul says, a burning rage in his voice that I've never heard before. "We have to save her."

"Your right," I say, getting on my bike. "Let's ride."
"Wait," Dwayne stops us, "we have to think of a plan first before we just dive head first into Surf Nazi territory."

I lick my lips, smirking. "We're vampires, no? It'll be thanksgiving feast for us tonight boys."
Paul chuckles, licking his lips as well. "Yum."

"They can't kill us, they think we're human. We have the advantage." I point out.
"But Cerise is human," Marko says as he sits on his bike. "We can't just start fighting them, they'll kill her."
"I know," I sigh. We have to be smart about this.

"I got a plan..."
I lean in to the boys, and I whisper.



"Uh, hello? Mister bad guy? I need to go to the bathroom!"
"Again?!" The one guarding me exclaims. He sighs, getting up. "Fine," he unlocks my cuffs, tying a rope around my waist.

At first, I tried using the 'bathroom' excuse to bail, but they were smart enough to tie a rope around me. I couldn't untie myself, because he'd feel the rope shake.
When he's done, he gets up and unlocks the door.

I take a huge gulp of fresh air.

"Come on," he walks me to a bush outside of camp. "Can't believe I'm doing this..." He grumbles under his breath. He stops and turns his back to me. "Go."
"Asshole," I mumble, going behind the bush that's far away from him.

I can't believe that this is actually happening...
Such bullshit.

I've been kept prisoner for several hours, stuck in that trailer. I swear its killing me slowly, my head aches and lungs burn.
If that isn't real torture, I don't know what is...

After I finish, I go back to him. "Take me to my dog house, master," I say sarcastically, which makes him smack me in the head slightly. "Shut up kid," he grumbles, walking me away.

When we're back in the trailer camp, I overhear two men talking.
One of them is Greg, and the other, I don't know.
Out of curiosity, I look over my shoulder at what's going on.

"Is this the money?"
"Yeah." He hands Greg a suitcase.
"How much is inside?" Greg opens the suitcase, and his eyes widen, like a kid in the candy store.
"$60,000 worth," the one says.

$60,000 thousand dollars?

My eyes widen instantly.

I nearly break my neck, trying to watch where they put the suitcase.
It goes into the trunk of some silver car.
I'm pushed into the trailer, handcuffed, and the door shuts.

That is a shit ton of money, where did it come from? Why would they have that much?
But most importantly, how can I get my hands on it?
I think of a way to steal it when I break out of here, when suddenly, I hear four bike engines.

I raise my head.
I fight to get on my feet and stare out the window.
I see a pair of four headlights fly down the road.

I gasp.
The Lost Boys...they found me!

Joy floods my chest, but suddenly my door slams open.
"Looks like they've arrived on time."

Greg grabs me by the hair, dragging me out.
I scream, struggling to break out of his grip on my hair.
"Shut your face!" He shouts, before he drags me out onto the open space where all the trailers circle around.

He fixes me so that I'm standing up straight, and he puts a gun behind my back.
"You say anything and I'll shoot you," he whispers in my ear, before making a gesture with his head.
I look where he's looking, and dread fills my stomach.

There's men everywhere, holding guns, and aiming.
David and the others pull up and park. They get off their bikes and begin to walk, right into the trap Greg has laid out.

And I can't warn them.

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