Chapter 20: Thanks to you

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Wednesdays POV:

Enid and I were peacefully resting in each others arms. The hospital informed us that we would be discharged in two more days. Specifically because of me. Instead of me it should really be Enid they're worried about seeing she doesn't have the genes of an Addams.

I laid my head on her chest as she traced her finger along my back. This was rather relaxing, something I hadn't felt in almost eight years. That was until some unannounced 'guest' barged in the room.

"I SO KNEW IT! YOU OWE ME FIFTY BUCKS BITCHES!" Yoko yelled In Divina and Bianca's faces.

The sudden deafening voice and wide eyes made me fall right off of the hospital bed. I'm so going to kidnap these three and gut them alive for this. You could say I am not amused by their antics.

Enid however, was very amused by their antics. She laid in the bed giggling with a bright red face.

"I hope you three die painful deaths at my hands."

"Wednesday!" Enid protests.

If it weren't for Enid I would have tortured the three for making me look so idiotic. My personal life is my personal life. Not mine and five hundred other peoples. Then again if I'm going to be dating Enid, I suppose I should get used to people being in my business.

"Honestly seeing I just lost fifty bucks dying doesn't seem all that bad." Divina joked.

"Agreed but not at the hands of Wednesday. I'd rather die at the hands of Kent than her and that's saying something." Bianca says, rolling her eyes in the process.


I hate that...thing...more than most things. He is a constant annoyance at all times. Always butting in on things that don't concern him.

"You guys are so dramatic! Also like I wanna know how long you guys had the bet about Wens and I."

Yoko smirked while side eyeing Divina, "Says you E, and we've had the bet going ever since the second month of miss emo Dorothy over here being at Nevermore."

Thats it. I'm going to kill her.

"Call me that again and I won't hesitate to infuse your veins with garlic."

"Girl don't even. I know you're not going to kill me it's quite obvious. Plus how could you kill your pookies Bffffffffffffff-"

I cut her off, being completely done with her nonsense, "Quit speaking."

"F!" She exclaimed, right after I finished cutting her off.

"Well I see you two get along great then huh." Bianca says mocking us.

"Oh yeah we're like bestie goals." Yoko replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Yoko is more insufferable than when one of my keys on my typewriter gets stuck. She is going to make me commit a murder, and she may just be the victim.

I look over at Enid, giving her my 'Get. Them. Out of here.' Eyes.

"Hey guys I love ya and all but do you think there is any way you guys could go and grab me some food from the cafe on the corner? The food her is actually garbage." Enid's voice was as sincere and sweet as it could possibly be.

My eyes take in that beautiful Sinclair smile. It can quite literally light up a room. The Addams curse has fully taken over my body at this point. Everything that this woman does make me want to give myself to her, letting her ask of me whatever she wishes. It's quite gullible.

"Yeah...Yeah we can do that." Divina gave Enid a knowing look.

"Thank you! You're the best!"

And just as quickly as we were interrupted, we were left alone.

"Sorry about that. I didn't know they were going to be that overbearing." Enid said, making full eye contact with me.

"It's fine. Although I was very close to murdering your accomplices."

She began to giggle as I walked back over to her bed. I have the need to be right by her side no matter what. Perhaps that was the Addams curse displaying its effects.

As I sat at her bedside, I looked into her deep ocean eyes. They told so many stories. The kind I wish to never write about. However there was a few that made me want to shed a single tear.

Enid is a very emotion driven person. Always putting her emotions out for display to everyone around her. Yet, she never lets anyone see the stories that cause these emotions. In a subtle manner, Enid and I are similar in that way.

"Wednesday?" She asks, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yes Enid."

"Where do we go from here?"

I hadn't thought that far. What would we do now that there was no monster to fight. No mystery to solve. No story to write.

Would we become like my mother and father?

God no. I'd rather cover myself in the brightest colors than be like them. The world does not need yet another couple always being down each other's throats.

Perhaps Enid and I would just experience a typical teenage life after this? Well as typical as it can be with me being involved.

There are still plenty of places I'd like to take Enid. She doesn't know half of my families history either. So it would seem like we have plenty to cover for awhile, I'm just not so sure it will feel the same now that there won't be that fear factor.

"We do as we wish I suppose."

"If that's the case, I wanna go on a real date with you. Not one that was just in your head. I don't care where we go, I just want to spend it with you."

A date.

A date?

A date...

This would solidify our status as 'girlfriends' and most likely cause Enid's accomplices to go crazy. I'm not quite sure I can handle them screaming and yelling, but if it's what Enid wants. I'll do it.

"Alright. Where would you like to go on a date to then?"

"I want to go on a walk with you in the forest behind your house. The one close to the cemetery. When I went back there with Pugsley he showed me the really cool treehouse you guys have. I think it would be fun." She says, smile going from ear to ear.

I'm rather enthused that she chose something so secluded from everyone. Perhaps I'd have to thank Pugsley for showing Enid the treehouse. Certainly he saved me from a socially active date.

The treehouse would be perfect for a small picnic and movie. I could set up a path of roses and tulips with little lanterns for Enid and I to walk down. We could go about thirty minutes before sundown.


"Alright, treehouse date it is."

Sorry for the short chapter! There's not much I can write here as they are both in the hospital still and seeing the story is coming to an end, I can't really add any plot altering details to make the chapter longer. The very last chapter should be a decent length though. Im not so sure about the next chapter. We shall see. I might go and write that one right now and upload it as well to make up for the short chapter!

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