Chapter 3: Love or Hate You?

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Wednesdays POV:

I awoke in my bed to the warmth of a familiar werewolf. Enid. Her arms and legs wrapped around my body like a boa constrictor killing its next meal. The feeling of the wolf's head lying on my chest was rather...calming. What is happening to me? Every time I'm around this girl I become a innocent little black sheep. I hate it, but it. For some reason I feel like I can be 'vulnerable' around Enid. I suppose that's what having a best friend is like.

I hear the door start to open so I quickly close my eyes pretending to be asleep. Whoever was at the door would never let me forget the fact Sinclair is practically glued to my cold body. Sinclair needs her sleep so pushing her off is not an option, this left fake sleeping to be the only option I had to use.

"Awww look at how cute they are Cara Mia!" My father whispered to my mother.

"They remind me of us love. Looks like our dear daughter found love after all. I must admit Enid is not what I would have guessed our daughter would fall for but it is quite bone chilling." My mother whispers back.

The door quietly shuts closed leaving me to open my eyes once more. What were my parents thinking??? Sinclair is nothing more than a friend. A best friend. Love is a waste of time. Maybe...Although I suppose love did save my life and countless others the night of the Hyde attack. I don't want to think about this anymore. It's hurting my head. This is why I hate feelings so much.

I need to get out of Sinclair's grip. Perhaps if I just slowly remove my body from Sinclair's death grip she won't awake.

I began to slowly slide out from her grasp. This was a lot more difficult than I had anticipated. Sinclair is bound to be the reason I end up in a cold and dark casket at the ripe age of sixteen.

I can face monsters, a old zombie witch hater, a psychopathic red haired woman, being stabbed, almost being strangled to death, and almost being crushed by a stone statue, but the bright, colorful, hyper, werewolf was going to be the reason I meet death.

I was almost out of Sinclair's death grip when she whispered a few words.

"Stay, please?"

She must think I'm Ajax. That is the only explanation as to why she would want me to stay for her urge to 'cuddle' as she says. I may have a very very very small soft spot for the wolf, but I refuse to stay in her grasp any longer.

"Wake up Sinclair."

I watch as she slowly opens her eyes to look at me. The corners of her mouth start to turn upwards forming a smile on her face. Of course she would have to smile at me again. The blood started rushing to my face once more. This was starting to get on my last nerve so I decided to ask Enid why this keeps happening.

"Enid, every time you smile at me or touch me the blood in my body rushes to my face and my hands get all sweaty. Why is this? Do you have some sort of werewolf abilities that I am unaware about?"

The wolf quickly perks up. My words must have made her excited or intrigued. Typical.

"Wens you blush around me!!!!! That's so cuteeeee!!!! My affection must make your touch starved self happy!" She exclaimed almost rupturing my eardrums.

There is absolutely zero chance I blush, let alone blush at Sinclair. She's delusional. Tyler must have given her a concussion during their fight. Ugh. Tyler. I wish I would have gotten the chance to kill him. He hurt the only two people I...tolerate that isn't my own family. My veins are full with revenge.

"I don't blush. You are delusional."

Suddenly her metal soul sucking death trap buzzes. She grabs it and rolls her eyes.

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