Chapter 19: You'll always be a dumb blonde.

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TW: There will be implied manipulation, gaslighting, and abuse this chapter. I will put specific triggers in which the abuse trigger starts because that is the only one that comes straight out and talks about it. If you have had to go through any of these things I am so sorry and just know that I love each and everyone of you. You are such an amazing and strong person. Now onto the story :)

Two years ago:

Today was the day I'd be going to Nevermore Academy! I was sorta excited but also super nervous. Of course I'd be nervous I was going to a new school after all.

Hopefully here, I'd be able to make some friends and maybe even wolf out finally! My mother said that Nevermore would be able to put me on the right path towards wolfing out! After going to so many different doctors and camps I've kinda lost all hopes in wolfing out but, I never give up no matter what. It's kinda my thing.

I finished packing my things and headed for the airport seeing I do live on the whole other side of the country from Nevermore. Being so far from home without any of my family feels really scary but this is an opportunity to wolf out. Just think, if I never wolf out then I'll never see my family ever again. So this is a small price to pay I guess.


We arrived at the front gates of this beautiful castle like building. Immediately we were greeted by a tall pale woman with white hair and a short woman with red hair and glasses.

The woman with the glasses looked a lot kinder than the white haired woman. I'm sure they're equally as nice though! Or at least I hope so.

"Welcome to Nevermore academy! You must be our new student, Enid Sinclair." The white haired woman said with a British accent.

OMG! She has an accent! That's so so cool!!

"Yup that's me!" I say excitedly.

Maybe this school won't be all that bad after all. Things are going so smoothly and I haven't even been here that long.

"I'm principle Weems and this woman standing next to me is your dorm mother."

"Hello dear! My name is Ms. Thornhill, lovely to meet you." She said, extending her hand out to mine.

I accepted her hand shake and when I did I felt what I would call gentle hands of a caring mother. I've never felt that before...

My mother hasn't given me a genuine nurturing hug since I was about six years old. So to feel the gentle hand of this woman's in mine felt so out of place and...lonely.

My parents left after I got settled in my rather gloomy dorm. I'm going to have so much fun decorating it with all my favorite colors, bands, shows, and plushies! I do wish I had a roommate though. What was already going to be isolating and depressing, just became even more isolating and depressing.

I was putting up my TWICE poster when I heard a knock at the door. Who could that be? It's not like I know anyone here.

When I opened the door I was face to face with Ms. Thornhill. She had a sunflower in a bright pink pot in her arms.

"Hello dear! Just came to check in on you and make sure everything was going alright for you! I also brought you a flower, I always make sure to match the perfect flower with each of my girls. You seem like a very happy and bright girl so I figured the sunflower would be perfect for you!"

Wow she really seems like she cares. Most teachers probably wouldn't bat an eye towards me. Actually, from experience, they never do. There was something about this woman and the way she cared that made me want to get to know her better.

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