Epilogue; Signing Off

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This story doesn't have a happy ending.

I don't care if you hate me for it, but it doesn't. It never does. That's because there's no ending at all. This tale never ends. It goes in a cycle that I continue to click replay on my favourite parts.

They all die. Sometime.

But then they're reincarnated and rerolled. Lizzie and Joel fall in love again... and again. It gets tiring after a while, y'know? She's usually the one confessing though, that's a pattern I've noticed.

Anyway... that's it. There is a mystery I haven't figured out though;

Why haven't I been reborn?

Why haven't I died? Maybe I'm different. I was only ever meant to live once in the world, I don't know. PearlescentMoon, signing off.

Heyy~ A small author's note to wrap it all up. If there's any questions, comments, concerns, drop em' all off here! I'll try my best to answer the questions!

This is my first time making a fic in this format, as in writing it all before publishing. It's also way shorter than I plan most my other fics to be, so that's that. It's been a rollercoaster writing it and I quite like it.

It's more poetic compared to my other more chaotic fics, that's something I think! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and watch out, there might be a sequel if you guys like it!

Signing off for real this time,


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