4: Liar

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"𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍
𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴'𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊"

It's sweet watching them fall in love all over again. It gives you this giddy feeling because you know they'll work out, they just need some time to figure that out for themselves. With their collective few braincells, I'd say they should have rediscovered that they're soulmates by now.

Jupiter is just dragging it, thinking I'd get angry if he told me he's fallen inlove with a mortal. The goddess he knew a few hundred years ago would have. I've come to the realization that I've gotten a bit... soft. It was horrific. And soft for Jupiter's situation? I don't know how but it has happened.

I just see a part of myself in him. We're very similar, who come from the same time. He's the only other... person, that I know of who shares the experiences of Aeor's Resolution with me. I've been trying to be lighter on him, I would've needed that. So I think he might need it too.

Lizzie's happy to talk to him, chatting with him in the late hours of the night as he continually reminds her to go to sleep. Joel doesn't need sleep, he's a god. Lizzie continues to talk to him about various topics, I don't know how they haven't run of topics but they haven't. She's also learned not to ask about his past, family, or other friends.

"I don't remember what happened, but I have been to jail... I think. I founded Critter City so more hybrids had a place they could call home." Lizzie smiled as they talked on the phone, she grins the whole way through the call every night. I guess I don't really know how it feels to experience that.

I didn't do that with Sausage, that's 'cause we were siblings. That's not what us as siblings did. Joel hummed as he was playing with a pen, twirling it around with his fingers as he sheepishly smiled at her intentions. Lizzie's always been a kind soul... most the time. I think that's why he fell in love with her the first time.

Not because of the arranged marriage, but because he saw her and her spirit. He fell in love with Lizzie. Not the god, queen, or anyone else-just Lizzie. "That's kind of you... have you ever thought of creating an aquatic district? For axolotl, turtle, and fish hybrids?" Joel asked, stopping the rapid spinning of his pen.

He had asked that question for one main reason: it reminded him of her past self. Lizzie hummed, thinking about the idea. She seemed to like it; "I haven't but it sounds awesome! I think I'll use quartz- ooh! Or maybe prismarine!" I could tell Joel was getting a bit tense thinking of her. Just by the way he clenched the pen a bit harder, to how he had sat up with a look of intent said everything.

"Prismarine would be wonderful. Have you ever thought of decorating it with coral? It'll add colours and textures to it that you wouldn't have otherwise." Joel was really pushing it. Lizzie was excited as it seemed Joel had a bunch of cool and good designs! "Ooh! You're right! Wanna help me build it? I think your builds with quartz are really pretty."

"Really? Yeah... I guess I could..." Joel was flustered, his cheeks tinted pink. He still has the feelings of a mortal. That's one thing we have in common. We can't seem to let go of our stupid mortal feelings. It's one of the few things from my life that I hold onto.

"Definitely! If you have time, I know you have a bunch of projects.... To mess with the sheriff." Lizzie was always a bit befuddled by the twos' relationship but never asked about it. She didn't feel it was her place to ask. She wasn't strong allies with either of them.

"We made amends, it's just for fun. Of course I have time, a sexy god like myself always has time." Jupiter was right on about that. He had way too much time. He has an infuriating amount of patience if he could spend years sitting in a room all day listening to people blabber on and on about something he lost interest in a long time ago.

They did end up building that aquatic sector together. Joel was pushed into the terraformed river quite a few times while they planned out the buildings together. It's toothrotting what they have. It's horrendously sweet yet I feel nothing besides the joyous feeling I get for Joel and Lizzie.

I'm happy that he can find love, that he's willing to give it another shot even if it ended so poorly last time. He truly does only fall for Lizzie, doesn't he? She's lucky-He's lucky. Joel's lucky Lizzie's as infatuated with him as he is with her. Fate has brought them close after ripping them away from each other.

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