
89 1 15

Tw(s): Homophobia (it's here), sex is mentioned but not described, SH

Headcanons: They/He Dex, Ace Keefe, and any mentioned previously

there's Alden slander and terrible punction

I roll over and sigh when I remember despite the fact I live with my boyfriend, we don't even sleep in the same room. Cassius kicked me out because I'm and I quote "a disgrace to the Sencen name" because I like guys and girls, yeah anyways I live with Tam and his adoptive family. Tam is my trans boyfriend, Dex one of our friends changed his name in the registry files which was really sweet of them, Tam and his twin sister Linh changed their last name to Alenefar, which is their adoptive father's last name, once Tam and I get married i'll take his last name, heh just three kids with homophobic parents with a last name taken from a gay man (hehe gay), although once he marries his boyfriend his might change to Endal though it'll probably be Alenefar-Endal and the opposite way for his boyfriend. Anyways I stand up and walk to Tam's room to wake him up,

"Sen- boy what are you doing?" (teirgan) (teirgan not calling Keefe Sencen was an amzing thing for me to write)

"waking up my boyfriend..." (Keefe)

"I'm keeping my eyes on you boy" (teirgan)

what did I do to make dads hate me? Besides being queer, cause Alden hates me now too, but he just wanted to use me so that's fine, but Grady and Teirgan both hate me, they think I'm going to impregnate their kids or something, when one of them was a sensual thing (litterly just seeing someone and thinking cuddles), and the other is sex repulsed so like yeah and I didn't want to fuck, to begin with, if they were to ask ill say sure but like I'm not seeking it. 

"good morning love" I sing as I open the windows

"what are you doing" Tam cry mumbles

"waking you up" 


"because it's our date day?"

"why can't we just snuggle?"

"Because your father thinks we're going to fuck"


"I know, take it up with your dad"

"ughhh but that means I have to get up"

"yep it does"

"Just open the door then and snuggle me"

"ok love"

I open Tam's door and crawl into his bed and he lays his head on my chest and falls asleep as I drift into sleep, idly rubbing his back and playing with his hair.

we wake up hours later, and the sun setting is visible out the window. Tam is still laying on my chest but now he's reading a book

"Whatcha reading?"

"eh some human book Sophie reccomended, said i reminded her of some kid named Nico" (im not obssesed with PJO,  yet...)

"oh ive read that, i deffintly see how you remind her of Nico"

"who is Nico?"

"you'll find out, but finish that chapter so we can go on a night pinic and date and we can have fun"

"but im warm and cozy"

"i'll let you wear my sweatshirt"


"here, im gonna go pack our pinic"


"what's that ?"

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