5- maaf

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"Sekarang bagitau aku. Apa jadi hubungan kau dengan abah kau?" Mia hesitated for awhile. She didnt wanna say it but she had to. Right?

"Ok sebenarnya masa tu aku pergi keluar dengan Naim pastu balik lewat. Kau tahu lah perangai bapak aku tu, kena ikut dia je selalu. Dia nampak je aku masuk dengan Naim, dia terus tengking aku lah apa semua! segala jenis insult dia keluarkan dalam mulut dia tu yang dah LAMA PENDAM." Mia wouldnt even shed a tear knowing how his dad ego is.

"Bersabar Mia.. Kau tahu lah ego bapak kau tu macam mana.. Selagi dia tak menang selagi tu dia berperang."

"Dah lah. Aku nak continue kerja. Gaji pun tak dapat ii lagi." Mia got up then went back inside leaving Aria confused.. Was she mad at her? Is she gonna let her anger out on Aria?

Aria brushed the bad feeling off and went inside where mia is too.


I was playing with the ladle since all of the students were served since im fast as lightning🤗


a scream from someone broke the silence of the DM.
it was naim. what kind of chaos is gonna happen next hm?


Ariz and some f2?



hakeem interfered the fight and tried to stop them but Ariz didnt even care what he had done to that kid by the looks on his face.

"Bila masa kau ambil kerja jadi bapak budak ni?"

"uish geram aku ngan mamat tu. Kalau tak aku sembelih dah dia ni." i muttered to myself, my hand looked like a fist ready to punch somebody. All of the veins came out.

"Kalau aku bapak budak ni dah lama aku.. Sembelih kepala engko!" same mind hm?

"ey sabar sabar.. Apa kata selesaikan ni dengan manifesto?"

when i heard the word manifesto i just know its not gonna end up well.. After hearing everything about it from Fakhri.

"Kalau KAU kalah. Aku nak kau keluar dari sekolah ni."

"Kalau aku menang?"

"Aku keluar."

wow, ni dah bahaya ni.

"aku pun." another prefect beside him. i suppose his friend. Wanted to leave if he left too.. I was unbothered by the manifesto thing but PEROGOL? this should be a big case because this isnt some games they would do as a bet. Budak f2 kena rogol. Siapa je tak gelabah?

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