2 - Problems

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6:30 am

Buzzzz.... Buzzzz...


Ariana was awakened by her phone buzzing "Siapa pulak mesej aku pagi buta macam ni..." she picked up the phone and looked at the contact as 'My sunshinee🫶🏻' her mind was blur 'Siapa pulak sunshine aku ni?'  She opened the messages

My sunshinee🫶🏻

Hii, Ariaa 6:29 am

I never got to know you well, nama penuh apa? 6:30 am

Pagi buta dh mesej aku ke?  6:32 am

Hehe, saja rindu🫶🏻  6:32 am

Haish, nama penuh aku 'Nur Ariana Khadijah bt Samsudin'  6:34 am

Cantik nama, sama macam tuan dia hehe 
6:34 am

Dah lah, aku kena bersiap dulu.. Bye
6:35 am

Hm, ok lah.. Bye my sunshine
6:36 am


Ariana kept on cringing on his choice of words. She put her phone down as she heard her mom yelling at her  "ARIANA KHADIJAHH, KAU BERSIAP SEKARANG. DAH LEWAT NI!!"

"YE LAH MAKKK NAK BERSIAP NIIII" she yelled back at her mother as she went into the toilet and got ready.

8:45 am

She was cutting vegetables on the cutting board while Mia was cooking. Since the students already had breakfast they were making lunch. Ariana was very tired from last night, so as she was cutting the vegetables she accidentally cut her finger. She yelped in pain. Mia looked at her quickly running up to her when she saw the bloody hand.

"YAALLAH ARIANA KAU BUAT APA SAMPAI MACAM NI?!" Mia was panicking when she was about to look for an aid kit.

"Aahh- Sakit ni wey-" she moaned in pain, Mia found the aid kit right on time.

8:57 am

"Ha, nak sangat keluar pagi buta tu. Kan dah luka macam ni!" Mia scolded her as she was wrapping her finger that got injured. "Lah apa salah dia? Plus, its not because of that. I was just tired ok?" She still had a raspy voice after all that screaming.

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