3- I beg you

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"Takpe Mia, Kau stay lah kat sini berapa lama kau nak... Mak aku tak kesah pun" Aria tried to comfort Mia by rubbing her back while she was in tears.

" Nan- nanti.. Ayah aku jumpa jugak a- aku bila dekat DM nanti.." Mia would sob, imagining her dad is gonna take her away from Aria..

She did sacrifice her future for me..

Mia thought in her head. She didnt want any of her sacrifice go to waste, so she would let Aria take care of her till she feels like standing up to her dad.

"Maybe... I'll stay here for awhile, before i have the courage to stand up to him.." she would smile and wiped her tears. Aria slightly smiled at Mia.. She wasnt a person would easily listen to others. As in, 'stubborn'

buzzz.... buzzzzz...

Aria's phone was making noises, as she expected. It was fak-ri, she took the phone and looked at Mia for approval for her to pick up. Mia nodded, Aria picked up the call in the same room as Mia. She was comfortable enough to do that because they were friends.

"Hey Aria, can i talk about yesterday?"

"Yeah, sure. Nak cakap ape?" she had her fingers on her mouth, tryna figure out what hes gonna say.

"Semalam aku nampak Mia, lari dekat balcony kite orang. Ape cerita?"

she stayed quiet, not knowing how to reply to that.
"Well.. Dia kata, bpk dia suruh??. So kau tak perlu risau mana.."

"Ohh, but i want to know. Kenapa kau lari dekat Mia sekali masa aku call kau?"

Aria felt anxious when she realised what Fakhri had just said. She was thinking of how to reason with him.

"Aku.. Aku.. Uhh.. Tertinggal barang?.."
Mia facepalmed, her reason was kinda stupid. Ofc this time, Fakhri didnt bought it. He was suspicious of this nonsense story, its like mixing up two same books with different fonts.

"Sunshine, i know you're lying. Tell me the truth. Korang buat apa dekat balcony tu?"
he finally had a serious tone in his voice. But Aria avoided his question then hang up really quick.

"dia cakap apa?!" Mia had worry in her eyes

"Dia nak tahu kita buat apa dekat balcony tu..." Aria looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with the other.

"Ish mamat ni. Sibuk je lah hal orang!" Mia was annoyed by Fakhri and rolled her eyes.

Aria sighed then slid her phone in her pocket while getting off the bed, "Aku kena pergi kerja, kalau tak siapa nak uruskan makanan?"

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