chapter six

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a few days later

i smiled down at the tortoise, feeding him some lettuce. "davi can't wait to meet him. says he'll like him more than he likes val." he laughed out, i smiled up at him as he leaned one arm on the doorframe, the sun hitting him perfectly making my eyes wander over his bare tattooed chest.

this man gets finer by the second. "noelle, stop doing that." he warned as i held my arms up, a small smirk resting on my lips. "i will throw you in that bed." he teased as i scrunched my nose, sliding across the floor and pressed a kiss to his knee.

his eyes lit up in confusion and amusement, "i've never kissed your knee." i said in defence as his softly laugh filled the room. the past few days had been fun.. i was mad. so fucking mad.

and the air around us was awkwardly for the first two days, us dancing around the subject.. until it wasn't. and we we're back to us, yet we both knew something was hanging over us. but we filled the time where we should've been talking about it with sex. lots and lots of sex.

neither of us were complaining, we both knew it wasn't healthy.. but it would do for now. "maybe i should fake an injury and stay here." he spoke out making me chuckled lightly.

"no, go. you need to win this match." i pointed at him as he held his hands up, i looked back at the reptile. "awh, look! kylians eating the lettuce." i gasped as neymar rolled his eyes.

did i name my tortoise kylian? yes. yes i did.

much too both kylian and neymars dismay. i bought him a little name tag, and a pet rock. my pet has a pet. i smiled at the thought, looking at the rock i was forced to name  kimpembe.. it was presnels idea.

"fine, why don't you come with me? see all your friends in germany." he crouched down, sitting down next to me as i rested my head on his shoulder. his finger tracing the tattoo on my thigh which spelled 'ney'.

i shook my head, "i have training.. and i think it would be good for a little space." he moved his head off mine and attached his hand to my jaw, moving my face to look at his.

"what? why do we need space?" he asked, i felt bad as i could see the hurt in his eyes, i reached out and sweetly caressed his cheek.

"we don't need space. i just think it would be good for us to you know.. clear our heads. have a little time where we aren't together, see our friends without sneaking away or throwing food at the elderly people." i teased as his face lightened up.

"sergio hates it when you call him old." he snickered, i kissed his nose quickly before pushing myself up, and helping him up off the floor. "at least help me pack?"

i nodded as i skipped towards the bedroom, him dragging himself behind me. "don't have to act that happy that i'm going." he joked.

i laid down on the couch, the room silent. in that moment i wanted nothing more than neymar.. it's silly right? i've spent nearly everyday with him and he's gone an hour and i miss him.

we watch our shows together, cook together, clean together, hell we even work together! i turned on my stomach looking out at the window, the trees and bushes violently whipping back and forth with the wind.

"hello?" i jumped up, feeling my body hit the hard wood floor as the strange voice called out.

"fucking bastard." i mumbled to myself getting up onto my feet, looking forward as i let out a breath of relief. "you know, you're lucky i'm me, because if someone else had their husbands ex showing up her at house they would've murdered you."

she laughed softly and shook her head, "there's still time right?" she spoke out and placed her umbrella down on the counter. "i'm going back to america tonight, i just wanted to.."

"he's not here. he's in germany." i gave her a tight lipped smile after cutting off her sentence. she asked me if she could sit, and like the good host i am, i let her.

why couldn't i just be nasty? like tell her to get out, but no. i gave her a pillow and offered her some food.

"uhm, i get it. you don't like me, and that's totally understandable. i feel terrible about everything, well about what i read in the news. neymars a good guy, a really good guy. and he loves you! i'm not going to sit here and lie, i didn't like you. in fact, for the past three years i've done nothing but hate you.. and then i met you. you're so nice, and he's a completely different person, he's not the man i loved.. he's better, and i think you did that. i know he's not here.. so i'm not actually here to say bye, i'm here to apologise." she spoke out sweetly.

i blinked a few times, definitely not expecting that to come out. i bit down on my lip anxiously, feeling my leg start to bounce. "oh. uhh, well thank you. i appreciate that.. but how did you know he wouldn't be here?" i couldn't help but ask.

"i was having drinks with ant and she told me.. that girl loves you, and leo does too. we never really spoke, but him and the boys were playing 'put the lip filler on elle'?" she raised her eyebrows as i sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"i'm going to kill that man." i sighed out as bruna chuckled gently. "you're very nice, thank you for that." i squeezed her hand and she did the same thing back, the two of us walking towards the door.

"and he loves you, more than he could've ever loved me. don't doubt that, you both deserve to be happy. even when we were talking, he kept looking down at his screen smiling at the photo of you.. and please take no offence to this, but that is one ugly photo." i couldn't help but laugh at her honesty.

it was an awful photo of me, where his massive hands are squeezing my cheeks, toothpaste in one hand and my tooth brush in another, my hair is in a ratty bun, i'm wearing a hoodie i've had since twenty-thirteen with mysterious stains all over it.. like in places where they shouldn't ever be stains.

but he says it's the most beautiful picture of me.. because it's me. i looked down at the floor smiling at the thought. "treat him good, but more importantly make sure he treats you good." she nodded, opening the door.

"thank you bruna, and the same goes for you." i looked over at her fiancé who was waiting in the car. we said our goodbyes and i threw my head back.

neymar may be a little stupid, but he was mine.

i walked towards our bedroom, looking over at the bed my eyebrows knitting in confusion as i stared at his hoodie laid across my bed. i grabbed the small note which was laid ontop of it.

        i stole your perfume to spray in my hotel, so
        you can have this hoodie that i sprayed with
        mine as an apology. i know you're just stood
        in the other room, but i miss you already
        meu amor

                                               - your husband , vini jr

i wiped a stray tear from my eye, giggling at the end of the note. i grabbed his hoodie, putting it on my shoulders, the air around me growing stronger with his scent. i crawled into the bed, pulling my knees up to my chest as i played with the strings.

i can't even stay mad at him for a week..


you guys not trusting me
about him not cheating🙄
gotta have some faith in
the boy c'mon

ty for reading meu amores

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