chapter 17

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The days passed quickly at Aunt Mito's home and soon Gon and Killua returned to the dorm. Aunt Mito had cried as they left knowing it was one less time she would see them before she might not get to see Gon again. Despite a seemingly near doomed future, Gon was doing well. It had been a couple months since then.

Gon had been finding the joy in small things. Killua would cook a healthy and delicious breakfast everyday before Gon woke up and the whole apartment would smell deliciously of whatever food was cooking. The small gesture gave Gon a spark of happiness each morning when he woke up and smelled either bacon, or pancakes, or some sort of omelet and anything in between.

Killua was surprisingly a pretty good cook but was also an A class couch potato when he wanted to be. Which happened to be most of the time to be honest. He had only made breakfast for the pair of them a handful of times and normally they either went out and grabbed something or survived on cup noodles or ramen. Classic college student routine.

And yet each morning he woke up. Day after day. When the dawn cracked to cook breakfast for the boy he loved.

This particular morning, Gon woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes on the stove. It smelled quite literally like heaven. He smiled to himself and turned over inside the burrito of the covers he'd wrapped himself in, before closing his eyes once more, wanting to enjoy the warmth of the bed for as long as possible.

Getting up was one of the hardest things to do everyday but knowing it meant he could see Killua each day made it worth it. After a few more minutes of warmth and adjusting his position inside the blanket burrito, Gon untangled himself with the covers and got out of bed, heading to the bathroom to splash some water on his face and wake up a bit more.

Once the cold water touched his face, and the cold bathroom tiles shocked his feet, the green haired boy was pretty much as awake as he was going to be all day so he headed into the kitchen, following the delicious smell that got stronger as he got closer.

When he entered the kitchen, he was hit with the cutest sight of Killua dancing to some music and flipping pancake just simply by waving the pan around in such a way that the pancake flipped exactly half a rotation to land on the other side.

It was a skill Killua had trained to master after so many mornings of making pancakes for the two of them. Today however he was making special pancakes because it was Gon's birthday.

He stacked four or five pancakes on a plate and dashed some rainbow sprinkles he'd found in Gon's pantry to finish off the stack of birthday pancakes. The white haired boy then slid the plate across the table to where Gon was now sitting, hands cradling his head while he had watched Killua flip the pancakes.

Gon smiled knowing that Killua had remembered it was his birthday. The thought that he wouldn't have that many birthdays after this one crossed his mind briefly but the green haired boy brushed it off and smiled brightly.

"Happy birthday sunshine." Killua went back to flipping some more pancakes for himself while Gon inhaled the delicious smell of the stack of pancakes in front of him before he took the first bite.

They tasted better than they smelled to say the least. "Damn these are amazing" Gon exclaimed. And they were. Killua's pancakes were always some of Gon's favorite but with chocolate chips in them it was ten times better.

Killua made himself a stack of pancakes and poured some water for the two of them to help the pancakes go down. "Anything you want to do today? It is your birthday after all. We should do something fun"

Killua was always trying to get out of the house now a days even though he was normally an introvert and a homebody. Sometimes the people you're around change something in you.

Gon nodded thoughtfully and looked up at the ceiling trying to think of something fun to do. It was a Wednesday but that didn't matter. Neither of them had classes on Wednesday because their schedules just happened to line up like that perfectly. It was like having a weekend in the middle of the week.

"There's a planetarium that opened up recently. I don't think it's too far away so we can probably walk. And don't you dare say i'm not healthy enough because it's only like a mile away."

Killua's eyes widened at the word mile. It was a relatively far distance especially for someone who was slowly dying from CML. "Ok we'll walk but you will sit down when you feel tired I don't care where it is but I won't have you pass out and die on me again ok?"

A light chuckle escaped Gon's lips and he nodded with a bright smile on his face. He'd never been to a planetarium but it was supposed to be like being in the galaxy and seeing the stars up close by digital means.

He'd planned for something today anyway.

Killua smiled in satisfaction knowing that he wouldn't have to force Gon to take it easy on his own birthday. He knew he acted like Gon's mother sometimes but the thought of losing his ray of sunshine sooner for something stupid like not taking breaks during a walk made him want to shrivel up into a tiny ball.

Around half an hour later both boys were dressed and ready to go. It was spring so they were dressed for semi warm weather. The walk to the planetarium was slow, steady, and peaceful. The birds chirped songs that flew through the air and decorated it with flowy notes.

The planetarium was a cool place just looking at it from the outside. The inside was even cooler. The theater part was a large set of seats arranged in front of a domed screen that wrapped around the seats and when you looked up it was like looking at the sky.

After they found some seats, and echoing voice announced that the program was starting and
soon both boys were lost in the stars above them.

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