chapter 28

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Killua had been in the hospital for hours at this point, crying in the hallway until he had no more tears left, and then he continued to cry. It felt like a piece of his soul had fractured. Like his existence wasn't whole anymore. Gon had left a hole in him that he didn't think would ever be filled again. His heart ached for the one he'd lost, and even though he knew crying wouldn't bring the green-haired boy back, he cried anyway.

Leorio and Kurapika had stopped crying out of exhaustion. It was nearly one am, and they were all tired and weary from crying. The hospital lights were bright and sickening inside the hallway where they all sat huddled outside of where Gon's room had been. 

"Killua...." Kurapika said quietly, arms wrapped around the boy who was shaking with sobs that were now silent because his throat was so dry, "Let's go home."

Killua didn't even know what he wanted anymore. He felt like nothing that could happen in the world would make him feel worse than he already did. Everything reminded him of Gon. Every trail of thoughts led him back to the one thing he wanted so badly not to think about. Gon. The one he loved with even more than his whole heart, and yet the one who was bringing him the most pain.

Killua just nodded, and Kurapika squeezed him tighter. Leorio was leaning onto Kurapika's other side, tears stained his face even though he wasn't one to cry normally. Gon's passing had struck him harder than he thought it would. He'd grown fond of the green haired boy even though their history didn't go as far back as high school like it did with Killua and Kurapika. Pain surrounded him. Pain of Kurapika and Killua, who he cared about so dearly, and pain of his own. And so once the tears flowed he didn't stop it.

After a few minutes they all got up off the floor and walked slowly together, leaning on each other for support, eyes all puffy, and backs hunched from exhaustion. The air outside was warm, and seemed to embrace Killua in a hug, as if to comfort him. A breeze blew against all of their faces, drying tears that none of them were sure they wanted to loose.

"I'll drive" Leorio said quietly. He knew that out of all of them, he was in the best shape to take them home. It wasn't a far drive and he knew they would make it.

Killua nodded once more and Kurapika touched his arm, a minimal effort to show affection despite the ache in the blond's heart.

The drive was slow and quiet, occasionally a sob would escape from Killua's throat that actually made a sound. Kurapika held Killua tightly, knowing that whatever pain he felt, Killua was feeling more than a hundred times worse. And so despite how much he wanted to cry himself, he tried to stay strong for Killua. 

They pulled into the driveway in eerie silence, and Killua had almost managed to fall asleep on the drive, the sound of the engine having comforted him even just a tiny bit. The car stopping, woke him from his almost slumber, and they all walked inside drearily.

Kurapika walked Killua to his room but the white haired boy stopped in the door way. "I don't know if I can sleep in there Pika...." Killua mumbled. Kurapika nodded, realizing this was the room he'd shared with Gon for so long. 

"You can sleep on the couch if you want. Or the guest room. I dunno." Kurapika's voice was still shaky. He knew he wouldn't sleep well that night either.

Without a word, Killua walked away toward the couch, flopped onto it, and snuggled into a ball, with his face buried into a fold of the couch. It was warm. Nothing could make up for the warmth of Gon that he'd lost but this would have to do for now. Kurapika sat next to Killua's balled up body, and put his hand on the white haired boy's back.

"Do you want some water or anything?" Kurapika offered, without really knowing what else to do. Killua shifted slightly but didn't respond. Kurapika nodded, feeling somewhat defeated but he knew things would be like this for a while. Killua would need a lot of time to process everything and start healing.

Kurapika walked away to where Leorio was. He was sitting in the kitchen, staring at the fridge where he knew there was beer. He wanted to get wasted and forget about everything but Kurapika gave him a look. Alcohol wouldn't fix anything and Leorio nodded solemnly. 

Killua finally looked up from the couch, at Kurapika and Leorio in the kitchen. He seemed to be wondering if it was worth the little energy he had left to ask for something. Finally he said "Tea" and then flopped back down onto the couch and curled up once more.

Kurapika went to work, making some chamomile, Killua's favorite to drink before bed. "Hey Pika, I can do it." Leorio offered. Kurapika wasn't looking so great, tears and puffy eyes being the first thing visible on his face, and he was clearly very tired. But Kurapika shook his head feeling like it was his obligation as an older sibling figure for Killua to take care of him. 

Leorio nodded in understanding and kissed Kurapika on the cheek.

The tea was soon brewed and Kurapika passed a cup to Leorio, left one on the counter for himself, and walked over to Killua with the last cup. He sat down once more by the white haired boy, who was no longer crying. He sat up when Kurapika tapped him on the shoulder. 

He took the cup of tea, and gave a pained but grateful smile. "Thanks" He looked up and Kurapika had never seen such dull and empty eyes. 

Killua sipped the tea silently and it seemed that he was so numb to everything that he couldn't really function outside of sipping on that tea. After a few minutes, his cup was empty and Kurapika put his hand out, and took the cup.

He drank his own tea and as he went to go to bed where Leorio was already sleeping, he looked over at Killua one last time for the night, and a single fresh tear was slowly making it's way down the sleeping white haired boy's face.

Kurapika's heart ached at the sight and he knew it wouldn't be good for him to delay going to sleep any longer. It was past two am and four hours past when he normally slept. 

In his sleep, Killua shivered, from not having any blankets. But something, drifting through the curtains eventually came over to him, and warmed him. Gon's spirit maybe.

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