Chapter 9

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Schlatt had passed out drunk eventually for the night. Nothing strange happened throught it. Hopefully. Maybe a boner and a blow job. Haha- you wish pervs. 📸 Just a peaceful night with the two men cuddling in bed. 👨👨/🐦‍⬛🐏

If Schlatt didn't have work to do they would have probably slept foreverrr- he woke up with a pounding headache and one of the worst hangovers he has ever had. He was quickly pulled back down into bed, Phil's wing covering him like a blanket. Such a cute little guy- He looked so precious and young when he wasn't sleep deprived or starving. He was getting better, his other wing had pretty much healed up, it just had a few scratches here and there still, but he'd be able to fly again soon.. 'soon..' Schlatt told himself again for reassurance, he wanted Phil to be ok, his little bird boy..

But that wasn't all. He wanted Phil. He needed Phil for his advantage. The power this man could give him was so much and so useful. He'd finally be able to stably control Manburg and have a secretary that won't crawl all over his ass and beg for his cock- what a relief you could say- or so he was hoping. But putting that aside then he cared for Phil.. atleast a little bit. He felt pathetic without him. He had a weak team and a horny vice. You can't do shit with that. Plus not to mention the shit ton of exes he had. God he had fucked up his life and reputation but that was going to just get better. From now on he shall only rise into glory instead of falling from it. But how was he meant to convince Phil to help him? He was a smart man and he can't just get Phil drunk and fuck his ass so he agrees, Phil wasn't like Q or anyone he knew. He was so far off the people he was used to having around.

Schlatt stayed with Phil for a few hours until he woke up. To Schlatts suprise, Phil just turned around and went straight back to sleeping. How rude of him. >:( Schlatt had stayed in the same position for 2 hours just to get this in return?!

"PHIIIIIILLLLLLLL" Schlatt whined as he shook him.

Phil just groaned in response and pushed Schlatt off of him with his wing. "Stop acting like a fucking child. And don't touch me."

What the hell had suddenly gotten into him-? He was so clingy the night before. Something was wrong, and Schlatt needed to find out what.

A few days passed and Phil completely distanced and locked himself away from Schlatt. This worried him but there was nothing he could do. When ever he tried to go talk to Phil, he'd always be hidden under the covers either just being silent or sobbing quietly. But that wasn't the only thing worrying him, he hadn't seen Quackity at all-! Usually he'd always be waiting in Schlatt's office to either get fucked or give him a blow job. But that part was the least of his worries.

Finally he decided to check Q's office. If he wasn't with Schlatt then he was there. He basically ate, slept, drank and did everything in there.

Schlatt gripped the handle of Q's door. He has to be in there right? Why does he even care so much-? He can just find another slut to do work and shit. He sighed and gulped as he twisted the door handle and opened it.

Word count: 599
Finished: 15/04/2023

Hello there! Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next update will be as soon as possible! :)

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