Chapter 5.

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Schlatt stared at Phil and gulped slightly as the shorter man simply smirk at him and chuckled before letting Schlatt go. He stood up straight and coughed slightly.

"Meet me in my office in 10." Schlatt mumbled before going back to his office. Q had stood behind him staring in shock.

"What you lookin' at shit face?" Phil scoffed.

Q didn't reply and simply ran down the hallway to a different room.

Phil rolled his eyes and wandered back to his room, immediately falling into a work chair that had been prepared for him. He looked through the drawers in the desk in front of him to find a pair of fancy sliver sunglasses. 'Don't mind if I do. ' Phil thought to himself as he put them on. They fitted him well for not being something he usually wore.

A few more minutes passed and Phil got up to head to Schlatt's office. He could care less about the man but something kept pulling him towards him but what was it?

Before he knew it he was in front of the wooden doors that opened up to Schlatt's office. He hesitated slightly before carefully opening the doors a little to peek in. The back of Schlatt's chair was facing him so he slid inside and carefully shut the door without making a sound. One thing was off though, there were sounds coming from Schlatt's direction, or even Schlatt himself. It wasn't clear at first but as Phil stepped closer there seemed to be weak and quiet gasps mixed with moans. Then his name.

He climbed up into Schlatt's desk and spun his chair around to face him. "Expecting me?" Phil smirked. Schlatt looked up at him in shock and embarrassment, plus he was a total mess. His face was bright red and his clothes were all fucked up.

Phil smiled at the sight and slid into Schlatt's lap. What was he doing? He didn't know nor could he control himself. But he wanted to do all kinds of things to Schlatt and have Schlatt absolutely wreck him. Before he knew it his lips were touching the others and they began to kiss each other, roughly. Words couldn't describe how right and wrong he felt at the same time but he loved it. He adored the soft, sexual whimpers he was receiving from Schlatt as he started to gently stroke his hard cock.

They both parted for a second to catch their breath, observing each other's features before something suddenly clicked in Phils head and he leaped back onto the desk.

Word count: 430
Written: 11/12/2022

(Thank you for your patience, I've been writing this over the past few days but haven't been able to finish it until now for some reason haha)

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