Chapter 1- Just another day Right?

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Hey guys! So this was one of the first stories I ever wrote. Bear with me, it's a slow process unfortunately haha. I started it so many years ago; I really do want to finish it, It's just been a while and I don't exactly remember where I was going with it. :') But I'm trying to edit through each chapter to jog my memory and hopeful inspire me to write new chapters. I will try my best! The book is pretty much under major construction now. I hope you enjoy it, along with my snazzy 6th-grade writing skills. I can't believe it's been like 5 years!! Crazy!

Anywho, here's chapter one!


Chapter One

Just another day, right?


I was so fucking bored that it felt like my brain was going to explode. I honestly didn't understand how my brother could actually enjoy school. I swear that we're not related... Just thinking about enjoying school made me want to hurl. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see my best friend, Nick, jerking his head towards the front of the classroom. I quickly understood what he meant and as I looked up, my gaze was met with an impatient glare from Mr. Grayson, as if he was expecting something from me.

"Errrr....Can I help you?" I questioned, without thinking it through properly. A few people chuckled quietly in the back of the room. I watched as Mr. Grayson's face turned a deep shade of red (or maybe 50 shades).

"Yes Ms. Porter, you can help me by answering the question I just asked you!" He shouted at me angrily, a wad of spit flying out of his mouth, and hitting a guy in the front row. I could feel the urge to giggle growing the more I tried to suppress it; I ended up failing miserably and let out a loud gasp of laughter. The rest of the class was quick to join in with me. It's times like these that I praise the lord for not making me sit in the front. I took a peek at the paper of the guy sitting next to me. The question was:"What is the difference between relative and absolute location?" I almost snorted. That was such a simple question, what were we, in elementary school still? I rolled my eyes and replied to him in a know-it-all fashion just to piss him off more.

"Easy." I started, "Relative location means to locate a place relative to other landmarks while absolute location is locating a place using a coordinate system." I finished, making sure I didn't leave out a single detail. He pushed his glasses up, higher on his nose - if that was even possible. He took a glance at his planning book.

"That is....correct Ms. Porter." Damn right it is, you shithead. "Excuse me?" Did I say that out loud? Oops.

"Nothing. I was just asking Ben what the homework was for English." I lied smoothly. He seemed to believe it. Dumbass. As soon as he turned around to to write something on the board, I stuck my tongue out at his back like the immature child I really am. Ben looked at me and smiled, knowing I didn't really need his homework and I returned his smile. Ben was a nice guy. He was adorable, in a nerdy way. He was also one of the smartest kids in the school. He had blue eyes that sparkled every time that he laughed and long brown hair that needed to be cut. He had a pair of Ray ban glasses and mostly wore jeans and white tees.

As students started packing up their stuff, the bell rang. I rushed out of the room with everyone else. No one liked Mr. Grayson. His last name pretty much reflected his personality: he was gray, dull and pretty much lifeless. All of his classes were boring. The only fun days in his class were when we had a substitute. As I weaved my way through the crowded hallway, someone pushed me to the ground. All my binders and books fell out of my hands and were scattered across the hall. I groaned loudly until I saw a hand enter my line of vision. I looked up, surprised to see Ben offering me his hand to grab..

"Hey, need a hand?" He asked kindly. I gladly accepted and he helped me up off the ground. He then proceeded to bend down and gather my belongings. "Here." He said, handing me everything I had dropped.

"...Thanks." Talk about awkward moments, "For earlier too," I added in quickly.

"No problem. So hey, are you free-" he was cut off by the intercom."Alexis Porter, please come to the principal's office now." Of course. It was only the 2nd month of school, and I was already being called to the office for god knows what! I smiled at Ben apologetically and he nodded understandingly. I trudged down the hallway, slowly making my way to the principal's office. When I entered the main office, the secretary shot me a dirty look. I rolled my eyes at her, what is this, high school?Oh wait, it is... Still, way to be immature...not that I'm one to talk. But at least I AM in high school. That counts for something, right? I sucked it up and headed over to the secretary's desk to ask her where the Principal's office was. She stuck up her nose like she was the freaking queen of the universe or something and pointed towards a big door with the words "Principal's Office" written in large, gold letters on it. I mentally slapped myself. I had the tendency to be really stupid sometimes.

As I walked up to the door, I could hear different voices. Some sounding familiar. I stopped when I got to the door and slowly turned the knob, trying to waste as much time possible. As I turned it the furthest I could, I pushed open the door. Only with a little bit too much power.... The door swung open and hit the wall. Hard. I flinched and grinned sheepishly, ready to apologize."Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to..." But I wasn't actually sorry of course. In fact the force I was able to swing the door open with was almost impressive. What I saw inside the room made me even more curious.What were my parents doing here?

Dedicated to cutelilly for being awesome and random(:

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