Rainy Day

228 11 1

3rd POV

David was talking to the camp critic committee. David really wanted the camp counselor of the year award, he was so stoked to getting it ever since last year.

Gwen was looking at something on her phone as Y/n was watching the campers. She saw space kid putting chocolate syrup in his helmet. ''Kid really?'' Y/n quickly took the bottle away making Space kid smile sheepishly.

''Go clean the helmet or it will stain.'' Y/n told him. He started to freak out of not being able to hold his breath for long. Y/n took out another helmet identical to his. ''Take that off, put this on, and wash that.'' She instructed. Space kid ran to the bathroom to wash the helmet.

But none of them noticing the camp critic committee watching her and writing on their clipboards.

Gwen had shown Y/n her phone after she put the syrup bottle away. ''Uh David.'' Gwen tried to get his attention. ''That is one of our other counselor, she has nothing to report, as always. Because our camp is really great!''

Gwen tried to get Davids attention again. ''Did I mention how great our camp is?'' He asked through his teeth. He then walked away as Gwen had an angry look with Y/n who had a disappointed look.

She hasn't seen him act like this ever since they were 10. Y/n got in front of David opening the curtains to reveal dark clouds, a cat and dog falling from the sky. ''It's going to rain.'' He looked and saw it was.

''no.'' He whispered before looking at Y/n, she looked mad and glared before walking off to help the other kids.

Y/n noticed Neil was trying to sneak off. ''Hey kid.'' She appeared behind him. ''Oh goodness! You scared me!'' Neil shouted. ''Where are you going?'' She asked. He explained to Y/n about his diary and he was going to the attic.

''Ok bud. Don't be to long. Don't need people freaking out on you.'' She said walking away.


Well things escalated quickly. Everyone was freaking out that Neil was missing and Dolf was put in charge.

''Let's search the floor boards!'' Dolf shouted as Preston hit the floor with a crowbar. ''Well that escalated quickly.'' Max said standing next to Y/n.

''Ugh. I tried to tell them he's not missing but they seem to ignore me.''

''So he writes in a diary?'' Max smirked. ''Yea, come on let's go find him before this turns into a real mess hall.'' Y/n said as Max grabbed her hand as they started walking.

The whole hand holding thing started since Y/n had to drag him to stay in activities and be included. It turned into a habit of comfort. Y/n didn't mind, I mean on the first week he followed her around. But again she didn't mind, it was nice to know he could trust her.

David had ran passed Y/n almost bumping into her. Max glared at him since Y/n had worked as hard as he did. ''David, Neil isn't lost-'' ''He is fine! Everything is fine!'' David interrupted Y/n.

''DAVID!'' She yelled making everyone go quiet and look at her. ''David, he is not lost. He is in the attic looking for something. And I know this because I talked to him, and instead of being a selfish prick I took care of these campers cause that is what a counselor does.'' She ranted as everyone was quiet.

Neil had finally shown up asking what was going on. Everyone was glad Neil was fine. David had looked at Y/n noticing she wasn't looking at him.

He knew he messed up big time. All he wanted to do was get back with an old friend. He missed Y/n after all these years, he wanted to bond with her again, but he definitely blew it.

She walked out of the mess hall to the counselor cabin. When she entered she grabbed her bag that had papers and some pictures. She picked up a picture of younger her hanging from a tree with Cambell laughing with her.

She then picked up a letter that was from her parent figures while she in prison. Y/n sighed as she climbed to her top bunk and sat on it hugging her knees.

The door opened to reveal David. ''Uh.... Hey...'' He mumbled. ''......Hm...'' Y/n continued to hug herself while looking out the window. ''You uh.... Missed Dolf winning.'' Y/n looked at him weirdly.

''He's not even a counselor.'' She said. ''That's what I said!'' He exclaimed sitting on Y/ns bunk.

''I just... want to apologies. I ignored you and I was being selfish to get the award..'' He started. ''And for being a prick?'' ''Yea.... I'm sorry. I wanted to bond with you again. It's been lonely without you.''

Y/n turned to look at David. ''But David, you have Gwen, and the campers. But why did you want to hang around me again? I mean I was in prison!''

David looked at her. ''Because your my friend.'' He stated. She looked at him. She then had a small smile which he of course squealed about. ''Shut up.''



hope you enjoyed and if you did then make sure to wait for the next chapter. Bye!

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