♥ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4 - ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ ♥

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Izuku Midoriya opened his tired, sleepy eyes, and sighed. His bed felt amazing, and was both toasty and warm.

He spent a few minutes longer in bed, rubbing his eyes and using methods to wake himself up more, before standing up and heading to the bathroom.

From there, the greenette got dressed, brushed his hair and brushed his teeth. After that routine was completed, he headed downstairs and helped himself to some breakfast, along with a drink to go along with it.

He was almost done with his bowl of cereal when he heard a loud knock on the door. His mother looked at him, a bit confused, and Izuku felt just as confused as her.

"Did you hear that, or was that just me?" He asked. It was good to check if it wasn't just him experiencing that, and his mum knew that."No, I heard it too." She stated, before indicating for Izuku to go and answer the door. Izuku did so, and was surprised to see three of his friends standing at the door. Tenya Iida, Ochako Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui.

"Hey Deku! Just wondering if you wanted to walk to school with us today?" Ochako spoke, a big smile on her face. 

Izuku looked around inside his house, and saw his mother watching from the kitchen doorway. She had a big smile on her face, and looked approving of his choice of friends. 

"Can I?" He asked his mother, with a big smile on his face. She smiled widely at him, and nodded. 

"Five minutes, guys!" He answered, rushing back to the kitchen to finish off his cereal. It took him only a minute to finish it off, before grabbing his shoes, putting them on his feet, before swinging his school bag over his shoulder and heading off. 

"Bye Mum, have a lovely day!" He said as a farewell, not forgetting to leave without kissing her cheek to say goodbye. 

Izuku waved goodbye to his mother as he left the house, so he could walk to school with his friends. The first thing he noticed was that their other friend, Shoto Todoroki, wasn't with them. 

"Where's Todoroki-Kun?" He asked, looking around at the friend group that was three, and was now four. 

"He gets a taxi, doesn't he?" A girl in his group piped up. Izuku only knew her name, Tsuyu Asui, but barely knew her personality. He did know that frogs were her favourite animal, though, but he was certain that everyone knew that. 

"Wow, imagine being able to get a taxi every day! Twice!" Ochako said, in which Izuku responded to with a nod. It wasn't something he could afford very well, but he could if he really wanted to. It was easier to walk though. 

"Does he live far from the school?" The green-haired male asked, aiming his question at Iida in particular. The only reason why, was because Iida knew nearly everything. 

"A good three towns away. That's quite far to walk." He answered, in which Izuku responded with another nod. He just didn't know what to say. 

"Deku-Kun, do you know if we have any tests today?" Urakara asked. 

"Not sure, hopefully not though!" He answered with a light chuckle. He hadn't done much revision since he had joined the school, and was glad of that. It meant that he had as much time on his hands to do whatever the hell he wanted. 

"We have a Math(s) quiz today, but there's no detention as a punishment if we get a bad score." Iida spoke with a lot of punctuality, as per usual. 

"Oh gosh, I'm gonna fail it for sure!" Izuku heard Tsu say, and he smiled. "You and me both, I suck at Math(s)." He admitted. He had always enjoyed creative subjects more than the more scientific ones. The friend group chatted about homework and things like that, before arriving at the school after a good 8 minutes of walking. 

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