♥ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1 - ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴅᴀʏ ♥

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Wind swirled around the school, making cherry blossoms that had previously fallen dust over the ground. The sun shined down on the glass windows, reflecting blindingly. Intimidating looking gates loomed over the pupils, but none seemed to feel the effect it had on Izuku. 

Izuku Midoriya was new at U.A High School, and today was his first day. He was going to be placed in Class 1-A, as he had taken an online test a few weeks ago that would organise what class would be best for his ability. 

And he couldn't be more scared. 

For all of his school career, he had been homeschooled by his mother, but her health had gotten so bad that she was unable to teach him any longer. So he had been forced to go to this school by a bunch of adults who he had no influence over. Clearly, they had underestimated how scary this would be for a boy with no social skills and schizophrenia. He didn't know anyone, no one was going to look out for him. He didn't have an older sibling to keep watch over him, or a friend. 

He had nothing. 

"Excuse me, are you Izuku Midoriya?" 

Izuku jumped, startled. He looked first straight ahead of him, seeing nothing but a man's chest, wearing a very neat and prim uniform. Then he realised that the male-- he assumed it was a man-- was taller than him. He looked up, almost straining his neck as he did so, and was met with the sight of a very authoritative-looking teenage boy with blue hair and deep violet eyes. 

"Uhm... yes." He answered, taking a step backwards so he wouldn't have to strain his neck to look at the man. 

"Welcome to U.A High School! I'm Tenya Iida, the class representative for class 1-A, and I've been told to welcome you!" He said, holding out his oddly positioned hand. 

The greenette stared, not sure what he should do with the male's hand. He wouldn't hold it, that would be weird. A high five? No... it wasn't raised high enough. A fist bump? No, a fist bump is only indicated when someone's hand was in a fist. 

The moment began to become awkward, so Iida retracted his hand, nodding. 

Izuku panicked, it was his first interaction with someone in the school, and he had already screwed up. 

"Professor Aizawa told me to give you this, it's your new timetable." Iida said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a folded piece of paper. He passed it to Midoriya, and he took it, before opening it. 

He saw that his lessons for today, Monday, were ones that he had, thankfully, heard of. He assumed that he would miss the first period because of the tour Iida was giving him, but saw that Math(s) was next, followed by a thirty minute break time. 

Izuku wasn't too bad at Math(s), but he wasn't sure what they would be learning. He might be behind, maybe hadn't learned what other kids his age had studied. Hopefully not. 

"Professor Aizawa?" Izuku asked, remembering the name. He had read it somewhere, and was completely sure that it wasn't the principal. 

"Mr Aizawa will be your homeroom teacher. He's the person who you go to when there's a problem." Iida spoke. 

Izuku was getting impatient with his memorized answers. He clearly wasn't showing what he was truly like. No way could this guy keep this up forever. 

"What's he like?" Izuku asked, wanting to do a bit of digging. 

There was a pause before Iida answered; clearly he had to think for an answer. "On the surface, he doesn't seem like someone who cares a lot, but truthfully, he cares a lot about his family, and pupils. But he lacks energy, and sleep." 

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