Tell me what?

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We arrived back home and I was shopping with soph

We kept talking about the World Cup and how we can't wait to support our boyfriends

"I know this is a conversation that you don't want to have but when are you going to tell him"

"Who's him? And tell him what" I say trying to avoid her question, I knew exactly what she meant

She gives me a look

I sigh.

"I don't know" I say looking through tops

"Y/n don't you think it's time? How long are you going to hide this for, the rest of your life?" She asks

"The other day he stopped by Pablo's room at the hotel and made it pretty clear he doesn't want us together"

"We'll that's not really his decision to make now is it?" She says crossing her arms

"No it's not" I say finally facing her

"Exactly so just tell him, if he doesn't like it then that's to bad but it's better if he finds out from you guys then someone else just saying"

"Are you threatening me?" I say gasping dramatically

She laughs "No, I meant what if you guys get caught and someone snitched on you guys"

"Your right, I just need a little more time to figure out how I'm going to tell him" I say pushing the cart towards the fitting rooms

"Okay but I would recommend doing it before the World Cup, you have like two weeks"

I walk into the dressing room and close the door ignoring what she said

Maybe she's right.


"Wait what?" Pablo says getting up on his elbows and looking at me

We were laying in bed watching a movie

"Are you sure your ready to tell him?" He asks again

"Soph is right, we should do it now before he finds out from someone else"

He nods and lays back down wrapping his arm around my waist

"Whatever you want to do I'm okay with I just want to make sure that your comfortable doing it now" he says rubbing his thumb on my waist

"I talked to soph and shes agreed to go on a double date, she told Pedri that we wanted to have dinner together"

"And he didn't think anything about me and you being there like together?" He asks me confused

"He just thought we wanted to have a friend dinner" I say

"Okay and when is this?"

"Tomorrow night" I say

"Okay well that only leaves me one day to chose my words carefully unless I want Pedri to kill me that's great" he says sarcastically

I turn around and face him

"I'll do most of the talking of you want don't worry about it"

"Nope we're in this together" he says

I smile and kiss him on the lips

"I do have to go home now though, before Pedri starts spamming me asking where I am" 

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