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I got up really early to rush to the pharmacy to get pills

The lady looked at me weird but I tried to ignore her

I was lucky Pedri was at training so he didn't see what I came back home with

I grabbed a glass of water and took the pill

Then I went to my room and took a nap

When I woke up I checked my phone and got a text from Pedri

He said he was on his way with some of his teammates

Here we go...

I was planing on going down to see Pablo but I didn't want to face him anymore

I chickened out. Instead I just stayed locked in my room and I was planing staying like that the whole time they where here

Then someone opened my door and I quickly sat up

Who tf is opening my door

Ofc it's him..

"You need to leave right now it's to risky we can get caught" I say getting up and trying to push him out my room

"We won't, their all downstairs" he says

"You need to go I told you I would talk to you and I will but today is not that day"

He grabs my hands and puts them on his chest

"Relax. Breathe." He says as he closes the door
And leads me to my bed

"Sit" he says

I sit down and he sits down next to me

"I'm here so let's talk"

I stay quiet

"Do you even like me?..." he says quietly almost sounding like a whisper

That sentence made my heart shader into pieces

"Of course I do but-

"But what?" He says

"what happened between us is obviously something that we can't come back from but what we can do is stop. I think we're better off as friends" I say trying not to cry

This just makes me pathetic...


I look at him confused

"You heard me I said no. I know I said I'd wait
but I'm done. Do you want to be with me or not?"


"Y/n answer the question"

"Yes I do..but Pedri-

He rolls his eyes

"Forget about Pedri, you need to stop putting other people before you and think about yourself for once. Only think about you, me, us."

Us. I like That Word us.

"So I'll ask again, do you want to be with me? Will you let me be your boyfriend?"

"I'm sorry but I can't just not focus on Pedri he's your best friend and my brother, what happens when he finds out?"  I ask

"So then he just won't find out" he says

"No. I'm not going to make you run around in secret or destroy your friendship"

"Y/n remember what I said on my birthday"

I don't answer

"Hmm?" He asks 

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