I know..

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"Y/n let's go!!!" Pedri yells down the stairs

We were getting ready to go help decorate and set up for tomorrow's party

"Coming!" I yell Running down the stairs


As we arrived I see a small house

A little big for one person if you ask me but it looks so nice and fancy on the outside

We knock on the door and he immediately opens

"Come in" he says smiling

I walked in and I'm immediately mesmerized
Why does his house look so beautiful

"I thought you said it was an apartment?" My brother asks sitting on the couch

"Yea well that's what I thought but nope it's a small house perfect for me" he says

"Y/n what do you think?" He asks turning to me

"It reminds me of you"

"My house?" He asks confused

"I don't know it's just so elegant and full of life" I say still looking around

He laughs.

"Elegant and full of life, I don't know how those two fit in the same category" he laughs

I shrug my shoulders


After a while of setting up the cups and everything else

Pedri tells us he's going out with Sofia again and that he won't be home

"Why do you keep leaving when we need you the most?!" I say

"Awh you'll miss me" he says

"No I need you to drive me home"

"Oh, just get a taxi sorry" he says leaving

"Why does he leave all the hard stuff to us" I say annoyed

"Y/n it's okay he just wants to spend time with his girlfriend, it's fine we're better off just us anyways. If Pedri was here you guys would just be arguing the whole time" 

"That is true..." I say turning to organize more stuff


we finished way earlier then I though.

The sun was still out and we had no idea what to do

"Want to go bowling?" I ask

"definitely" he says as we leave his house and get in a taxi

We invited Ferran and his girlfriend Sira, Frenkie and his girlfriend Mikky

When we arrived Ferran and Sira where already there

I hugged  Sira and then hugged Ferran

A little later Frenkie and Mikky arrived

Then we went to grab our bowling balls

"Which one do you want?" Pablo asks me

"That one" I say pointing at a light ball

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