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Being the new recruit of the mafia meant that Y/n would have to be trained under someone, and that didn't excite her all that much. Mori took Y/n to what seemed to be a conference room, with hundreds of men crowding the area. Among these men was the boy she'd seen earlier when she had first arrived.

His prominent bandages and erratic behavior were his most recognizable features, and it drew Y/n in. But alas, she had joined a mafia after all—no use in making friends now.

Next to Mori, she stood straight and obediently, not hoping to end up like her mother. Not that she really cared about her mom anyway.

"Gentlemen, I'd like you all to welcome our new recruit, L/n Y/n. Please allow her to settle in, as she will make a fine addition to the Port Mafia." Mori introduced her, smiling from ear to ear. Y/n did a small wave, which was not reciprocated by anyone, except by the intriguing boy.

Mori eyed him, and ushered him to come forward.

"Y/n, this is Dazai Osamu. He is one of our top executives. You both must be around the same age, so I hope the two of you can get along." Y/n and Dazai stared at each other in silence, before he broke out a friendly hi. Embarrassed about talking to a boy, Y/n could not come up with a response on time, which made him frown and walk away.

...not again. Curse my social awkwardness...

She sighed and looked at the ground, wondering what she should've said.

After the meeting finally ended, Y/n stepped out of the room, and came face to face with Dazai.

"O-oh, sorry about that-", she apologized, moving out of his way. He looked at her and shook his head.

"No, no! It was entirely my fault for standing here. But if you really want to make up for it..." his eyes glimmered for a second. "...then we should commit a double suicide!" His lips moved upward, and he threw out his arms in excitement. Y/n didn't respond, just staring at him questionably without any words. "... oh." Was all she said. And Y/n knew damn well she could've said something far better than that. Dazai lips curved downwards for a moment, before going back to a grin.

"I see! Well, I guess I'll have better luck next time with someone else..." Half of his face hid in a shadow, making it hard to see the disappointment painted on his face. Not necessarily because of the rejection, but because of how dry this girl was. He had no interest whatsoever to have any relations with her in the mafia.

"I see.. um.. well good luck?" Y/n ended the conversation, if you could even call it one. She hurriedly rushed away, embarrassed. Dazai only gazed at her moving figure in sheer disappointment, because such a girl would not be of any amusement to him. Hell, even Chuuya would be better entertainment.

"Y/n?" Mori called out. "Yes?" Said girl called back, walking up to him. "You must prepare now."

"... Prepare now?" Y/n tilted her head. "Yes. We'll be testing your abilities, both physical and special, shortly after you meet your new unit." Mori answered, giving her a pat on her back.

The two headed into a secluded warehouse, keeping Y/n curious about her team members. She hoped they were nice.

"Come on out, Unit 16." Suddenly, a group of people jumped off the roof and landed right in front of them. "Good, good. Introduce yourselves, L/n Y/n here will be joining your unit." Mori turned to Y/n. "Remember that. You're in Unit 16 now, okay?"

"Okay." The girl answered back, but received glares from the other unit members.

"You must show more respect for Mori. He's the boss, after all." They restrained their irritation toward her manners. "I-I see... uh, Yes sir..?" Y/n turned back to Mori, addressing him appropriately.

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